I'm a fan of Patients Like Me, a Cambridge, MA company that has taken several patient communities by storm.
I don't know if there's been previous discussion of this on this forum (if so, I was not able to find much). They are doing for crowd-sourced, phenotypic research what companies like 23andMe have done for crowd-sourced, genetic research.
Again, I'm a total newbie here, but I've seen a lot of exchange of information about what kind of treatments have and have not worked for different patients with different symptoms, but no attempt to systematically collect or quantify the observational data that comes from all of this self-experimentation.
Patients Like Me has tools for this, and has started collaborating with researchers to produce scientific publications (see this PLM study on ALS in Nature: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v29/n5/abs/nbt.1837.html)
Patients Like Me has a disease category called "CFS", one called "Fibromyalgia," and a combined CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia forum. One cannot choose "ME" as a disease on one's patient profile. My sense from looking at the CFS page: http://www.patientslikeme.com/conditions/27-chronic-fatigue-syndrome and the patient forum: http://www.patientslikeme.com/forum/fibromyalgia/topics is that the typical, big tent definition is being used, and one that may not be as helpful for research.
I think we should petition Patients Like Me to:
1) Create a disease category called myalgic encephalomyelitis which patients can select
2) That the International Consensus symptoms being explicitly used in the description and not the more vague: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which may also be known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is characterized by persistent or recurrent fatigue, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, and subjective cognitive impairment of 6 months duration or longer.
3) That they use language that explicitly distinguishes CFS from ME in their description
4) That if they manage to do it, we all record our symptoms and experiments with conventional and alternative medicine there
5) Then maybe one day, top ME researchers will be able to collaborate with them in the rapid testing of potential therapies.
Email Ben and Jamie Heywood:
I don't know if there's been previous discussion of this on this forum (if so, I was not able to find much). They are doing for crowd-sourced, phenotypic research what companies like 23andMe have done for crowd-sourced, genetic research.
Again, I'm a total newbie here, but I've seen a lot of exchange of information about what kind of treatments have and have not worked for different patients with different symptoms, but no attempt to systematically collect or quantify the observational data that comes from all of this self-experimentation.
Patients Like Me has tools for this, and has started collaborating with researchers to produce scientific publications (see this PLM study on ALS in Nature: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v29/n5/abs/nbt.1837.html)
Patients Like Me has a disease category called "CFS", one called "Fibromyalgia," and a combined CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia forum. One cannot choose "ME" as a disease on one's patient profile. My sense from looking at the CFS page: http://www.patientslikeme.com/conditions/27-chronic-fatigue-syndrome and the patient forum: http://www.patientslikeme.com/forum/fibromyalgia/topics is that the typical, big tent definition is being used, and one that may not be as helpful for research.
I think we should petition Patients Like Me to:
1) Create a disease category called myalgic encephalomyelitis which patients can select
2) That the International Consensus symptoms being explicitly used in the description and not the more vague: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which may also be known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is characterized by persistent or recurrent fatigue, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, and subjective cognitive impairment of 6 months duration or longer.
3) That they use language that explicitly distinguishes CFS from ME in their description
4) That if they manage to do it, we all record our symptoms and experiments with conventional and alternative medicine there
5) Then maybe one day, top ME researchers will be able to collaborate with them in the rapid testing of potential therapies.
Email Ben and Jamie Heywood: