Hey Wayne.I was wondering where you got to.
Iquitos,thank you for the tips - Will give it a go for sure!.The akashic,yes i first heard about it through Chris Thomas.
Would be truly great to do that.
Freddd.I still havnt really looked into your posts in detail( not to great today),But i will ! Thanks for your input.and the links.The Ivan Osokin book sounds like a good read. Anyway theres plenty of time
Iquitos,thank you for the tips - Will give it a go for sure!.The akashic,yes i first heard about it through Chris Thomas.
Would be truly great to do that.
Freddd.I still havnt really looked into your posts in detail( not to great today),But i will ! Thanks for your input.and the links.The Ivan Osokin book sounds like a good read. Anyway theres plenty of time