Partial hip replacement and ME


Senior Member
Hi @lenora -- I was doing some research today on PEMF therapy, and came across a number of references to it be useful for bone regeneration. Apparently NASA incorporated it into their health protocols for astronauts specifically to help prevent bone loss decades ago.

I actually purchased a PEMF mat, and used it for the first time today. I'm thinking at this time that it might be somewhat of a gamechanger for me, as it allowed me to go into a deep, restful mode. It's something my body has struggled with since being exposed to the anti-nausea medication Promethazine five years ago, which is known to cause akathisia (constant state of feeling unsettled).

Anyway, thought you might find this information interesting. Here's a link to a video where he briefly discusses using PEMF for bone loss. He covers it in about a minute or so.

Real Foot Doctor Explains The Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Generator Sports Injury Recovery Tool
@Wayne, I’m really curious what PEMF may yiu bought. There are so many types and prices it’s hard to know what might be worth the investment. I suffer from akathesia really badly and it’s been going on since I did heavy duty Lyme ABX (last ABX was about 5 years ago).


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne, I’m really curious what PEMF may yiu bought. There are so many types and prices it’s hard to know what might be worth the investment. I suffer from akathesia really badly and it’s been going on since I did heavy duty Lyme ABX (last ABX was about 5 years ago).

Hi @Hoosierfans -- Sorry to hear that you're also dealing with akathisia. Mine has improved considerably over the past five years, but dealing with it on a daily basis is still challenging.

I found considerably relief when I started mHBOT a few months after mine started, and was able to depend on it for the next year. Our house then burned down, and I went without HBOT for over three years.

In the process of ordering a new mHBOT unit in December, the woman I talked to mentioned she also sells PEMF mats. She said that the one she sells (QRS 101 Homesystem) is the one that is now used by Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida. They had apparently tried out several different types and brands, and ended up with this model. (BTW, there are YouTube videos on this system).

This model apparently sells for anywhere from $3,000-$5,000, but she gave me a very good deal on it because I was buying an HBOT chamber from her for the second time, and because of the fire tragedy we had gone through.

So I had my first PEMF session this past week, and it was very similar to the first time I did an HBOT session. I was able to relax deeply in a way I hadn't been able to in a long time, and filled me with hope the the benefits would be cumulative over time.

My HBOT chamber hasn't arrived yet, but am looking forward to trying the two together. I'm feeling confident I can make further progress in calming down my overly agitated neurological system with steady use of both. And perhaps some sauna therapy coming later this year.

It's all a lot of money, but I was able to use some funds from some balance transfer offers to do this. The PEMF mat has a 6 month return policy, which is what sort of sealed the deal for me. If it's returned within 3 months, there's a 5% restocking fee. If returned within 6 months, it's a 10% restocking fee.

I figured if I don't keep it, I can at least have daily use of it for 6 months for about $300. So I sort of went for it on a spur of the moment decision. So far, it feels like it was a very good decision. Just getting pretty consistent temporary relief has been invaluable.

BTW, another modality I've found very helpful to calm my system is something called Tone Pacer PRO. I'll paste below a post I made on a tinnitus forum over a year ago. It's much more affordable than the PEMF mat, though it doesn't have nearly the array of beneficial effects that the PEMF mat does. That said, it's definitely very calming (for me), and helped with my akathisia considerably.

Tone Pacer Pro for Android

"The Tone Pacer Pro application is the professional version of the popular Tone Pacer APP...​
...The Pro Version due to its flexibility also lends itself for notch-like treatment protocols that have been shown to attenuate tinnitus and Stochastic Vestibular Stimulation.​
The Pro version was design to meet the needs of professionals seeking an application for the generation of acoustical auditory stimulus."​
I regularly visit a chiropractor who uses a wide variety of "alternative" modalities. He muscle tests for everything he does, including his normal chiropractic adjustments. He does the same for various other modalities he employs. One day he checked to see if I might benefit from a relatively new app he'd just gotten called the Tone Pacer PRO ($60), which is used in conjunction with AfterShokz Headphones (around $100 U.S.).​
After testing for which frequencies I needed, and for how long, I laid down for 20 minutes and let it do its thing. Within a few minutes, I was pretty gob-smacked by how relaxing it was. As somebody who's done many, many things over the years to help calm down my body, brain, and neurological system (including using benzodiazepines), I could hardly believe how something so seemingly simple could be so relaxing.​
I recently purchased this app so I could use it regularly at home, and have found it very helpful to be able to do this on a daily basis. One thing I've done in the past that seems somewhat similar to this Tone Pacer PRO is a microcurrent device called Alpha-Stim. I paid about $600 for that unit, and found it to be very helpful. But this Tone Pacer PRO experience feels much deeper than my Alpha-Stim experience. At least part of the reason could be that it has both a gentle vibratory and auditory stimulus.​
I can't really say whether it's affecting my tinnitus severity on an ongoing basis. Being able to use this on a daily basis is coming on the heels of my discovering a product called GABA Calm that is helping to soften both my ear and head tinnitus. But I can say that the Tone Pacer PRO does positively affect both my tinnitus and my auditory cortex agitation while I'm using it.​


Senior Member
Thanks @Wayne. Interestingly I already have an HBOT and the Tone Pacer Pro. I haven’t gotten much benefit from HBOT after hundreds of doves, but every few months I try again for a week or two to see if anything has shifted.

Would you mind putting me in contact with your source for your PEMF mat? That sounds exactly like the kind of gadget I can get my head around — expensive yes, but I could try it for 6 months like you mentioned for basically a 10% restocking fee. That’s worth it to me. I did the same with my JOOV panel — tried it for awhile and didn’t help me so I returned it and paid the restocking fee. It was worth the “rental” to figure out if it worked or not.

You can Pm me. Maybe we can get on a collective email and you can introduce me to your provider of the PEMF system. Thx!!!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
You can Pm me. Maybe we can get on a collective email and you can introduce me to your provider of the PEMF system. Thx!!!
I don't think it's against the PR rules to post a telephone number like this. So I'll just go ahead and post here on the main forum in case anybody else is interested. I really like (and trust her). She's quite personable without being "salesy", and I trust her to be straight with me.


Sharon Telephone # For PEMF & HBOT


Senior Member
Thanks for thinking of me @Hoosierfans, that's very kind of you. I'll definitely watch the video and I'm so glad the mat seems to be helping you. Perhaps I'll be joining you.

Yes, this osteoporosis does have me worried....I feel like a mad chemist and can get no useful information from my doctors. We are a challenge, aren't we? To ourselves most of all. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I don't think it's against the PR rules to post a telephone number like this. So I'll just go ahead and post here on the main forum in case anybody else is interested. I really like (and trust her). She's quite personable without being "salesy", and I trust her to be straight with me.


Sharon Telephone # For PEMF & HBOT
Thanks Wayne. If I tell her “Wayne sent me” will she know to whom I am referring? Does she have a company website? Thx so much!