Hi, this summer i decided to get a wheelchair for going out and about on a short trip with my family. It was so marverlous that i decided to ask my GP for one. Now i use it if i go out on day trips with my family or for shopping. I have had some issues with feeling weird about getting out of it and walking and my kids find it a bit embarrasing too! I push it around until ive had enough and them jump in and my hubby pushes me. Until i could do this i hadn't been out on a trip with my family in 2 years.
I stumbled across this great article on the INvest In M.E website about part time wheelchair users and the challengfes we face and thought others might be interested to read it.
http://www.investinme.org/InfoCentre-Library-JIiME-02-02-Wheelchair Use and Attitudes.htm
How do you feel about being a part time wheelchair user? how do your family and friends cope with it?
All the best, Justy.
I stumbled across this great article on the INvest In M.E website about part time wheelchair users and the challengfes we face and thought others might be interested to read it.
http://www.investinme.org/InfoCentre-Library-JIiME-02-02-Wheelchair Use and Attitudes.htm
How do you feel about being a part time wheelchair user? how do your family and friends cope with it?
All the best, Justy.