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Parkinson-like Freezing - Does Anyone Else Get This?

Does anyone else suffer from Parkinson-like freezing? I am not talking about being cold. I am talking about not being able to move, like your feet are glued to the floor. I have been getting this a lot other lately. I'll be walking and suddenly stop and cannot move for a few seconds. At other times I cannot initiate movement, I go to do something, but their is a delay between wanting to move and actually moving.



Senior Member
This used to happen to me too. When I described it to my doctor, he suspected that I was having small seizures. I don't know if this was the case, because we never explored it further. The episodes eventually went away on their own. It is a strange sensation to suddenly be 'stuck.'


Senior Member
The other side.
yes I've experienced it - in the late 80's it used happen a few times a year for a few years - caused a few bad falls eg having a foot nailed to the ground when going down stairs leads to to a few seconds of entertainment followed by several hours of ouch time

however such incidents have always been brief - a few seconds afaik - and have decreased in frequency - ie I only remember one such incident in the last 5 years

doctors (and others) just give me a blank uninterested look on the rare occasions I've mentioned it - including A&E doctors when I've ended up there because of it


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Yes.. I had that symptom with the CFS/ME when it came back after a remission of 2-3 yrs.. It came back with a heap of new neuro symptoms and that was just one of them. I was having trouble initiating movement and a real effort to move leg by leg. It was weird as one expects a leg to move when your brain thinks and goes to move it. It was like it was paralysing in walking.

Im curious about what other neuro symptoms you are currently getting.. as when I had that symptom I also was getting a lot of falling.. I'd fall on just trying to walk around a corner, no turning balance, I was also having periods of leg drag (where one leg would walk but the other ended up dragging behind and not lift) and I also had like parkisons tremors happening (nurses at hospital mistook me for a parkinsons disease patient!). For myself all these symptoms seem to be part of symptom complex i was getting at that point of time.

If it's CFS/ME it will probably go away sooner or later. (I had thought when I got those symptoms that my nervous system was completely damaged or that i had something other than CFS/ME, these symptoms scared me). I dont have those things happening no more.

(I also had trouble initating other actions too.. one night i was stuck in my chair all night as I couldnt make my body get up to go to bed. It sucked as I was very tired and wanted to but couldnt move, not due to weakness but just cause my brain couldnt get it to do so). It was like I lost control over my body.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Im curious .. Do you recognise my nic? I used to know someone with either your nic or close to it on youtube 2-3 yrs ago.. I think his name was Paul too. That person used to get terrible body spasms all the time. Is that you? (my current computer cant really get youtube up well).
Im curious .. Do you recognise my nic? I used to know someone with either your nic or close to it on youtube 2-3 yrs ago.. I think his name was Paul too. That person used to get terrible body spasms all the time. Is that you? (my current computer cant really get youtube up well).

Yes, thats me! And I do recognise your nic. :Retro smile:
One of the first symptoms I had was not being able to initiate movement. I would go to type on my computer keyboard, or to pick something up, but would freeze for a few seconds, the same happens with my speech I go to speak but cannot engage my mouth. I have other symptoms that can look like parkinsonism too, my gait is stiff and sometimes I have a festinating gait, my writing becomes small and spidery after a few sentances as my hand cramps, and I sometimes have a pill rolling tremor. But these symptoms come and go and are just a few of the many neuro-symptoms I get. I have been assured I don't have PD, although I do sometimes wonder.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia

One of my uncles probably died from Parkinsons. I don't have typical symptoms, but every now and again I lose the capacity for automatic movement. I have to think through the movement step by step and make my body do it - so my movement becomes jerky and forced. This may or may not be a related thing.


Don't know if it is the same but I sometimes feel there is some kind of gap between my body and my brain, like my body and brain aren't syncronized. Sometimes I literary have to voice out a command to make my body respond to my bain. If it is speech that becomes impaired it's hard, I've found no way to bypass that and feel really locked inside at the times that happens.

It feels like my brain is losing momentum, freezing up or shuts down because of sheer energy shortage. It definitely is scary!

There is also parkinson in my family.

Symptoms come and go but I definitely am scared of the possible neurodegenerative symptoms ME comes with