Paralympic Armchair Action 30th August - UK


Off the fence
Do you want to protest at ATOS, the cruel assessors of us ill people, being the sponsors of the Paralympic Games? Here's some ideas from Disabled People Against the Cuts:

Nobody could do all the things suggested below, but if we all pick one thing that we feel comfortable with, it will make a difference - to us, anyway :lol: Tomorrow there's a twitterstorm, email and facebook gold medal flooding campaign at the ATOS armchair games

1. Social media flooding

Gold medals for Atos-

Flood twitter and Facebook with the ‘red peter’ Gold Atos medals, change profile pics to Atos medals

Atos Gold

(with thanks to Stephen LH)

2. Email Gold to Atos- let them know we know about the deaths and suicides

Grab a new email address from gmail or hotmail and send gold to Atos ( we know they have multi-million profits but this is different), if you’re feeling particularly energetic why not post one to your local Atos office too all boxed and presented or hand deliver

Atos gold image online

Email: or (atos press office), investor relations: or head office

3. Send gold to Thierry Breton Atos CEO


Atos Gold

4. add a DPAC twibbon to your Face book or twitter profile pic

click HERE (with thanks to Nancy Farrell)

5. Be a crap disabled Peoples’ Organisation/Disabled Peoples’ Charity for a day

Atos are looking for disabled peoples’ organisations (DPO) and disabled Peoples’ charities to help them deliver PIP assessments–yes really

Grab a new email address from gmail or hotmail and be a crap DPO for a day, suggested names ‘sell out UK’, ‘Disability Wrongs UK’, SCOOP, Len Chester Disability, you get the idea-be maybe be a bit more subtle, tell them you want to exploit the opportunity (not to mention make loads of money exploiting disabled people) and ask how your crap org/charity can help do that-send dpac your replies

Email: customer-

Subject line: Engagement with Disability Rights Groups on PIP

6. Phone jam

Call Atos to complain. Why not ask them about their UK eugenics program that they’re being paid 100 million a year for by the (unelected) government-video it, record it, post it

Use skype as a cheaper alternative if you don’t have one of those free calls thingies

Customer Relations
Tel: 0113 230 9175

Global public relations

Tel: 020 7830 4233

Press office

Tel: 02078304233

Investor relations:

Tel: +33 (0) 1 73 26 00 66 (with skype its not a UK number)

Sales and Marketing team

Tel: 0207830 444

Be sensible, be polite but let them know….

7. Hold your own vigil for Atos victims –a minutes silence then a letter to your local newspaper suggested text

8. ‘out’ the real Fraudsters on local radio –the truth is revolutionary!

Call in to your local radio station ‘talk show’ tell them what’s happening to disabled people –if they say ‘ah but how can we stop fraud’ tell them the facts:

a) Disability Benefit has the lowest fraud rate of all benefits (and that includes admin error) 0.4% for incapacity benefit, 0.5% for Disability Living Allowance

b) Our own GPs or other medics that deal with us on a regular basis should be doing the job not a company paid 100 million per year and costing the taxpayer 500 million a year in appeals

c) If they want to talk about fraud, don’t let them forget the ‘expenses scandal’ where MPs stole millions from the taxpayer to aid their multimillionaire life styles, the bankers with their million pound bonus’, or the cooperate tax dodgers owing over 20 billion-ask them who they think the real frauds are?

9. Fill in the DPAC, Black Triangle, Social Welfare Union Survey on WCA, recording and other stuff HERE

10. Support 31st Closing Atos Ceremony by flooding social media, changing profile pics to the UKUNCUT logo

11. Apply to join the Atos Graduate Internship Programme by contacting 0870 4149066 - waste their time and block their line.

12. Post questions Atos don’t want to answer on their blog site until they block you. Bill Nuttall says “For some weeks I have been asking ATOS questions on their site blog. Questions like will the new PIP which is replacing DLA stop people killing themselves? Did ATOS request talks with disability groups over WCA like they are now doing with PIP? Should ATOS assessors look at the medical notes the blog tells claimants to take in? Can they comment on reports that people have killed themselves because of ATOS medicals? My questions get no answers and disappear from the moderation box after a while.Today I received a ” Forbidden you don't have permission to access this server.” I cannot anymore but I would urge everyone to go on the ATOS blog and ask the awkward questions they do not want to answer.Lets see how many people ATOS HEALTHSCARE have to “Forbid access” to.”

Share the fightback: send pictures, links comments to DPAC facebook , DPAC twitter @dis_ppl_protest UKUNCUT twitter @UKuncut, DPAC mail

Download more pics from here


Fine, thank you
Thanks, jace - didn't know about this and just caught the tail end of a report on the Atos demo on the 5pm show on Radio 4. Good to know they're getting coverage - hope it's on the TV news tonight.