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Pain! What to do? Took away darvocet and finally ran out.


Senior Member
Does this make any sense? If I take ultram, tramadol or vicodin anything along that line my pain is worse. WHY ? I know the CNS is screwed up but I have to get some relief for breakthrough pain.

I take Wellbutrin sr 150 mg twice a day, Avalide hbp and Klonopin at night. Also Fibro care and multivitamin. Cannot take advil makes me swell in my legs.

Tylenol is like drinking water. What am I suppose to do? have they quit making darvocet since it was cheap 5 bucks for a whole bottle and I only had to take a sliver of it once and a while.

What about overseas?? Do you still have it?

Thanks Susie


senior member
Concord, NH
Not sure where you are located, but I think it was in the news a short while ago that it was pulled of the market in the US, at least.



Senior Member
do they still sell darvocet overseas? Or canada? I could take a chip off a pill and my pain would go away. Vicodin to strong, tramadol doesnt help. All the others to strong. This drug literally had saved my life and it was 5.00 for a huge bottle.

It would last six months or more. Any overseas pharmacies?


Senior Member
get your doctor to give you 5mg methadone and then take a sliver of that, teeny sliver, its a cousin of darvon in a weird way


Senior Member
its actually a pain releiver and chem similar to darvon, but its much stronger. you could probly take a salt size
dust size piece for pain help every few days...start out with like < 1/10 of a 5 mg tablet unless you got liquid,i can send u more research later
from my other puter



""Methadone is the only opioid that acts as an NMDA [N-methyl-D-aspartate] receptor antagonist as well as acting as a mu-[opioid] agonist," said Dr. Gail Gazelle of Harvard Medical School, Boston. Other opioids work only as mu-opioid agonists. "Methadone also acts as a mu agonist but has this unique property, unlike all of the other opioids, that blocks NMDA receptors." This action on NMDA receptors makes methadone an excellent choice for the treatment of neuropathic pain. And methadone does not appear to carry the same risk of respiratory depression as other opioids because of NMDA-receptor blockade, Dr. Gazelle said. There is also some evidence that because of the NMDA-receptor antagonism property, methadone has an antitussive action." isnt nmda action one of things rec'd for cfs? darvon had that too.




Description (darvon):
A narcotic analgesic structurally related to methadone. Only the dextro-isomer has an analgesic effect; the levo-isomer appears to exert an antitussive effect. [PubChem]

Detectable levels of propoxyphene/dextropropoxyphene may stay in a person's system for up to nine days after last dose and can be tested for specifically in non-standard urinalysis but may remain in the body longer in tiny amounts. Propoxyphene will not show up on standard opiate/opioid tests because it is not chemically related to opiates part of the OPI or OPI 2000 panels, which detect morphine and related compounds. It is most closely related to methadone.

research that it kills leukemia!



Senior Member
I should add though that methadone can be a complex med from what I have read, in people prone to having tolerances it can be hard to get off of and in high doses some danger to heart qtc interval. It can also cause headaches in some people esp with head injuries......but I assumed you are looking for something in very small dose. Also have you ever tried morphine in small dose? I wonder if you would tolerate that better than vicodin? tramadol has
some properties like antidepressants, uses CYP-2D6 to break down which can be hard for mcs people.


In the UK it is called Co-proxamol and is now available to named patients only, having been withdrawn from general prescription. It is very difficult to be prescribed and as it is the only painkiller that works for me (apart from morphine) and as I react badly to most others I'm very lucky to still have it, but it's been a real fight and at one point I was without it for a year.

Can you afford to buy it from abroad? It must be so awful to have no effective pain relief.


Senior Member
It is bizarre that they don't get the word out more about methadone being a good pain reliever. It was initially developed as one but then they started using it to get people off of other opiates and one could only get it at special clinic but they changed it I don't know when, to allowing regular primary care docs to be able to prescribe it but only for pain reasons, if its an addiction issue they require that the patient has to go thru a special clinic to get it.
Health care is so strange, so many outdated ideas and practices.......I suspect subutex is probably also another one they should allow docs to prescribe for pain, vets can give it to dogs for pain medicine but they only allow it to be prescribed for humans at special clinics for addiction issues. Why? Off label is allowed for lots of things. Must be an insurance thing or something, they want to make sure they can prescribe newer crappier drugs for pain like lyrica that they make more money off of, dunno....


Senior Member
hensue, if you have a doctor that you trust who understands m.e. a little you should be able to figure something out. these meds can be very powerful or dangerous and I am not a doc and everyone has their own history that makes individual case analysis important....allergies, tolerances etc but you said you just used tiny fraction of darvon for pain control so I wouldnt think you would need much more than practically a homeopathic dose of some other pain med, they are all different and can have different reactions to each one.....just like some people can handle prozac but not zolofft or serzone but not cymbalta even tho they are in same class of med can be slightly dif how they are broke down in an individual. Rich Vank has talked on forums about cytochromes and differences of break down relating to methylation for example, we don't all react the same, very individualized, as I am sure you know.

You can do a lot of your own research on internet, try to find actual research study sources or clinics like mayo online that are more valid to then take the info you find that you think pertains to you to your doctor to discuss. Google the name of the med you are researching and put "pain management" and/or "cytochrome p450" in your search heading and will learn a lot. There are also pain management forums online that can be educational, don't be embarrassed, you obviously never abused propoxyphene and took small doses, pain is a huge part of m.e. for some people, suffering is not recommended if one doesnt need to, if lucky enough to figure something healthy out that mimimizes some of the pain. Enduring too much neuro pain can worsen the m.e. Thats why Dr Cheney prescribes klonopin for so many of his patients he felt it was neuroprotective, it harms the brain to have too many headaches or awful pain for too long.


Senior Member
Off label use of Neurontin, generic Gabapentin at least 1200mg is usually used in patients with Fibromyalgia or ME/CFS to alleviate pain. In answer to your first question, opiates do not bind very well to pain receptors in patients who have Fibromyalgia or ME/CFS.



Senior Member
I have tried neurontin, lyrica savella cymbalta why would they take away something that helped me soooooo much? I would not have to take but a chip off a generic darvocet and it saved my life. Now the pain is all consuming I have mucsle relaxers, anti anxiety klonopin for sleep.

This really sucks.............


Senior Member
I cannot remember I have tried so many why? would it need to be a high or lower strength? I want to say to begin with 600mg. Do you take it at night?


Senior Member
ecoclimber, if a sliver of darvon helped her that amount of neurotin might be way too much. I tried it in a liquid form, it does work well for pain i was impressed how it helped m.e. unfortunately, even if I just take 1 ml, within a few days I get problems with my breathing, it worsens the oxygen hunger to a debilitating degree. hensue might have the chemical sensitivity s0me m.e.patients have so the amounts you are recommending I would guess would be way overkill for someone like her. but trying a small amount again and then workingup dose if possible might be wortha trial,altho she lists it as one she already tried. There is also a difference between fibromyalgia and m.e........they aren't the same thing, and its an old school party line to deny opiates to m.e. or even fms patients, for some people its the only thing that works, I think for an m.e. person who has tried all else and has mcs its wortha try to experiment conservatively if not prone to huge tolerances or abuse of meds.


Senior Member
It comes in liquid form?? I do take wellbutrin sr and it gives me some energy. Everything seems to be overkill as far as drug wise. It is kinda scary. When u know the darvocet worked.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I miss darvocet! It was the only drug that helped. Been up all night in pain trying to find darvocet online in another country. Nope. My pain is horrible.