Pacing: Very interesting HealthRising article re HR and HRV monitoring and pacing - I may finally spring for an HR/HRV monitor!

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
@Hufsamor @Judee - thanks for the advice. My watch isn't quite the same in getting to the activities, but your directions were enough to help me figure it out. Once in the activities, the details for setting things up seem the same. Now I just have to figure out how to remove all these shortcuts I'll never use!

How long does it take the new watch to calibrate for proper body battery readings?
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Now I just have to figure out how to remove all these shortcuts I'll never use!

Are you talking about the widgets on the watch?

If so on my watch it's:

-hit the 3 menu bars in the upper left hand side of the screen,
-then Garmin Devices,
-and choose the watch you're using,

and then hit the - (minus sign) next to the ones you don't want to see on the watch and they will move to the Hidden Widgets at the bottom of the screen...IF your app is the same. :)

vision blue

Senior Member
Wonder if someone could please help me… I have realised that data from a fitness tracker might be invaluable, so want to buy one. Unfortunately my cardiology appointment is on August 17th.
rs. But it would be handy to have a constant record of pulse and ox sat.
  • I have a hiatal hernia and can’t possibly wear anything that has a chest strap
  • I find watches (wrist straps) slightly uncomfortable so I might not wear one if I bought it
  • I don’t want or need to receive emails on my wrist
  • I don’t want my data stolen and don’t want anything owned by Google or Amazon
  • Would be handy if the device was waterproof
  • I can afford something expensive, but don’t want to pay like £600 for a fancy watch
  • I don’t care what it looks like
  • I use Android phones.
company; I admit Google might buy because, at £35, it’s really cheap, and I might be able to get some data filed away in time to show the cardiologist.

I humbly beg someone to give me an encouraging word because I’m suffering from choice paralysis.

This is an old thread abd have t read yet to see if problem solved. As a fellow sufferer of analysis paralysis i get it

I just finally got a tracker. I think kt ch ls of some tho not all of your boxes- i had some of the same wish list as you

I got a polar versity sense. It does NO go on either wrist or chest- you cwn wear on upper or lowere arm. I thinknother sites work too but thats what they advertise it

It measures heart rate but thatd it. And ots waterproof. Its not owned by google...

One of the reasons i got it (besides the where you wear the tracker) is that you can record without having to ne near a phone or app. In gmfact, it can store severwl hindred hours. And then when you turn it off it will synch with app or website vis bluetoth. That was importwnt to me since i do not want to be a bluetooth receiver. You can tho if yku like continually wat h your heart rate on ykur phonr if yku want vis bluetooth. It is not immediate tho a d theres a few seconds delay

So far I've tried it while napping, while unpacking a delivery, while on a zoom call, and during household chores. Tonight hope to try sleeping overnight

Ive already been surprised by the data. I wish i had this before to compare to now

Its easy to use but both the manuals and youtube videos are really bad.

Yes is compatible with android (and ios and computer). Im using the polar flow app. If like to see if there are third party apps that provide more details tho not sure if one has to use polar flow if you use it in recording rather than live mode mode like i do

I looked into that ring you mentioned but disnt like how it worked. Itvworks only by showing you DEVIATIONS from your own norm which it establishes after youbwear it continuously for a couble days. Not for me at all im prrfectly capable of calculating my own deviations from my normal.

Ok now will read thru some of the posts and see what you ended up getting

Im tempted to also get one with pulse ox but i guess one thing at a timr. Me

Cheryl M

Senior Member
North-west England
Yes, I got the Garmin Vivosmart 5, and it's been really usefu;! I was able to take screenshts from the app and email them to the cardilogy dept to show them what my heart was doing. It's been realy handy to look at the data and see my heart rate spikingg every time I stand up (I knew it was doing this, bu it's nice to have proof lol). it does need charging and waashing every other day, but I think it's worth it.

Unfortunately the pulse ox raedings vary very wildly, and when I tried to use them to prove to my GP that I was having trouble breathign through my nose, she saud, "Fitness trackers are not reliable at all." So... you win some, you lose some!


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I really wish Garmin hadn't felt the need to change the visual displays on their app. They might think they're making them easier to read but my brain did better at processing them the other way.

Anyone else wishing they had left them alone?

I asked them at least to give us a way to choose but haven't heard back on that. Noticed today they changed even more of them. :(


Senior Member
What's the newest change? The last time I updated it lost all my info for that day and reset my Battery to a higher number (I've been stuck around 5 during my current crash).


Senior Member
I really wish Garmin hadn't felt the need to change the visual displays on their app. They might think they're making them easier to read but my brain did better at processing them the other way.

Anyone else wishing they had left them alone?

I asked them at least to give us a way to choose but haven't heard back on that. Noticed today they changed even more of them. :(
Hi, I don't know what changed sibce I use this custom one: Neat Weather Watch Face. See my comments on it at


Senior Member
small town midwest
Yes, I find the new change unhelpful too. Grr...

They changed the body battery from a line graph to a bar graph. That means i can no longer see how much time I spent at a particular charge each day. I frequently charge to 100 in my sleep but the rate I loose charge tells me something about how well or badly I am doing. The longer I can keep my charge high during the day, the better I do. Now, I can't see that info any more. The new representation contains less info than the old representation.


Senior Member
They changed the body battery from a line graph to a bar graph.
Oh, I thought the change was to the watch face. I only view stats on the phone, since the watch display is too small for me.

Was the change on the phone app or on the watch apps/widgets?

This is what I see on my phone. Id I press and hold in the graph, I can see the point in time value.


Senior Member
small town midwest
I am lucky if it makes it to 30 these days.
This is confusing to me, and one of the things I disliked initially.

I still charge to 100 when I'm crashed, so I'm not sure what exactly it's measuring. A charge of 100 certainly doesn't mean that I'm doing OK, and it doesn't quite correlate with visible either. It's the length of time I can stay at 100 that matters, and what I can no longer see. For example, if I can keep a high charge and get out of bed, it's a good day. If my charge goes down when I'm lying in bed doing nothing, it's a bad day.

On a bad day, will lose charge when napping. Yesterday I had a shower (a big day!) and was soo wiped out I slept most of the rest of the day, but continued to run down the battery while asleep. On a good day, napping, or even meditating while charge me.

The upshot is, all this info I've described to you, I can't see anymore because of the change. It makes it so much harder to pace and it is really annoying! Grr!!


Senior Member
They changed the body battery from a line graph to a bar graph.

I totally missed that. You can still see it on a daily view, but the weekly view is totally different.

They also should really allow manual editing for when it glitches. Annoys me when I charge my watch for six hours and it decides that my Battery went up magically during that time even though it never does during the day.

Also I need to revisit if there are easier ways to export data. I enter my Battery 'high' into a spreadsheet, but it's annoying to do manually. I'd also like to get heart rate info, but their heart rate info is useless. Even their warnings are useless - sometimes my HR is 140 and no warning, other times it's 120 and constant warnings (I have 120 set as a warning zone, but sometimes it's hard to acknowledge and turn off and it keeps activating).

Also frustrating how much data we have these days, and no one is doing a damn thing with it. If I had more energy, I'd love to work on using some machine learning to look at wearable info, supplements or medication reactions, etc. I'm guessing it would be completely viable to find individual percentage chances of good or bad reactions to various therapies, but no one seems to be doing much other than burning through staggering amounts of money. Was it @mariovitali who worked on ML? Seems to me like a hybrid of collaborative and content-based filtering would be a great approach to benefit from this kind of data, rather than all of us doing trial and error in the dark. (For instance, might be able to guess whether LDN or LDA would work, if antivirals would be effective, if IVIG would help, etc - all before trying it.)

I'm so unimpressed with the actual implementation of medicine and ML.


Senior Member
For example, if I can keep a high charge and get out of bed, it's a good day. If my charge goes down when I'm lying in bed doing nothing, it's a bad day.

That might mean that your sleep is better, but your waking symptoms are just as bad. My charge often starts going down from the moment I wake up. On a good day, it will go down more slowly. My Battery almost never goes up in any way until at least 8pm at night. Sometimes if I'm very relaxed, didn't talk on the phone at all, lay down for most of the day, etc - then my battery will start climbing a bit in the evening.

This stuff should be so diagnostic and treatable, and I mean beyond guesswork on a forum. My cardiologist was wholly uninterested in any of my data - even just HR she claimed was totally unreliable on wearables and had no interest in discussing anything other than maybe coming in and getting fitted for a Holter.