Thanks Willow- Nancy has 2 clinics, one at university of Miami (who takes medicare, but wait time is long) and a private clinic. (I have been to the private clinic) She also does research, one that you are talking about is the response to exercise by testing cytokines regularily during and after exercise.
She recommends exercise as a way to prevent deconditioning- since it can cause all kinds of trouble, and very much like Staci Stevens, which means (last time I heard) 5 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes resting flat. I haven't done that yet. Just going to the grocery store is hard.
As for medicine, who knows- I hope that clinical trials come sooner rather than later. And I hope science figures something out. It's hard being in limbo.
Testing and treatment: a few doctors understand ME/CFS fairly well. Here is the list:
Dr Peterson, Dr Lapp, Dr Klimas, Dr Enlander (I don't know much about him), Dr Kogelnik, Dr Montoya, Dr Bateman, Dr Cheney.
This list may change drastically when XMRV is recognized as pathogenic and perhaps as potentially causal to ME/CFS. Then a lot of infectious disease doctors will start paying attention. Some are even open to prescribe ART, which is not the case in my area.
As for testing, I personally needed personal validation, but at the moment I need disability testing and that's the main reason I am returning to Miami. That is if I survive the plane trip!
Good luck