The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 17 May 2011
The PACE trial in chronic fatigue syndrome
Sarah M Feehan a, on behalf of the Liverpool ME Support Group
Peter White and colleagues1 say that normal fatigue is represented by a figure of 18 or less on the Chalder fatigue questionnaire (Likert scoring), rather than the validated definition of fatigue caseness (4 or more, bimodal scoring) used in the trial's protocol.2, 3 A score of 18 represented the mean plus 1 SD (142 + 46) for a control group who had attended their general practitioner in the previous 12 months.4 This figure almost certainly would have been lower if those who had not attended their general practitioner had also been included when deriving population data. Indeed, normative data from a Norwegian study gave a mean of 122 (SD 40).5 Interestingly, the Norwegian data were stratified by health condition (unfortunately, only means were published): No disease/current health problem: 112; Past or current disease: 121; Current health problem: 125, and Disease and current health problem: 142.
Furthermore, 176% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients diagnosed at the Chronic Fatigue Unit (South London and Maudsley NHS Trust) had a score of 18 or less before they were treated.4 This suggests either that the Chronic Fatigue Unit diagnoses and treats fatigue problems in patients with normal levels of fatigue or, alternatively, that the threshold of 18 to represent normal fatigue is not suitable.
Given this information, and the fact that those with a Chalder fatigue questionnaire Likert score of 18 could still meet the trial's entry criteria (bimodal score of 6 or more),1, 3 it would be good if White and colleagues would now recalculate the data using the original definition of fatigue caseness.2, 3
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest.
1 White PD, Goldsmith KA, Johnson AL, et alon behalf of the PACE trial management group. Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. Lancet 2011; 377: 823-836. Summary | Full Text | PDF(309KB) | CrossRef | PubMed
2 Chalder T, Berelowitz G, Pawlikowska T, et al. Development of a fatigue scale. J Psychosom Res 1993; 37: 147-153. CrossRef | PubMed
3 White PD, Sharpe MC, Chalder T, DeCesare JC, Walwyn Ron behalf of the PACE trial group. Protocol for the PACE trial: a randomised controlled trial of adaptive pacing, cognitive behaviour therapy, and graded exercise, as supplements to standardised specialist medical care versus standardised specialist medical care alone for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy. BMC Neurol 2007; 7: 6. CrossRef | PubMed
4 Cella M, Chalder T. Measuring fatigue in clinical and community settings. J Psychosom Res 2010; 69: 17-22. CrossRef | PubMed
5 Loge JH, Ekeberg O, Kaasa S. Fatigue in the general Norwegian population: normative data and associations. J Psychosom Res 1998; 45: 53-65. CrossRef | PubMed
a Liverpool ME Support Group, Bootle, Liverpool L20 9LD, UK