Prof. Hooper, the Lancet & the PACE Trial
I thought this was interesting:
I thought this was interesting:
from:There are a staggering number of flaws in the PACE Trial article published in The Lancet (Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. Peter D White et al. The Lancet, 18 February 2011 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60096-2), not one of which was mentioned in the press conference.
These flaws and errors have been identified in a detailed complaint/statistical analysis sent by Professor Malcolm Hooper to The Lancet on 28th March 2011, upon which The Lancet has asked Professor Peter White to comment (a response with which Professor White has apparently not complied within the time allotted for its receipt by The Lancet).
It is understood that under the Elsevier complaints policy, Professor Hooper will be asked to respond to Professor Whites reply when it is received by The Lancet; it is also understood that the PACE Trial article was to be sent for re-review by different reviewers and statisticians whilst The Lancet was awaiting Professor Whites comments on Professor Hoopers complaint.
Professor Hoopers analysis will shortly be placed in the public domain; he had agreed with The Lancet to withhold his complaint from publication during the time allotted by The Lancet to Professor White to respond to it, but this agreed time limit has now expired.