"Overmethylation" vs. "Startup" symptoms?


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I worked up to 400mcg methylfolate and - wow! - that stuff surely had an effect on me. More energy, more neurotransmitters, less need for thyroid glandular and ribose, and unfortunately - I have nightly insomnia & intermittent anxiety.

I felt wired and unable to sleep - not just tossing and turning - but once incident where I went to the gym and pumped iron at 3 a.m.... and once or twice where I wanted to go out to a club (!) after midnight.

After working for years on my sleep and finally able to sleep like a baby (before methylation) - this is disruptive and distressing for work and my marginal vapors of a "social life."

Do you believe these symptoms are "startup" effects that need to be endured through at the same doses.. and will calm down?

Or do you consider this "Overmethylation" where you need to take some niacin... and back the dose down? This is what Dr. Lynch seems to say. He supplements are supplemental.. and you should only take them when you need to supplement.. not necessarily every day on a schedule.
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Senior Member
Oxford, England
I've had to back down, I've noticed a direct correlation between methylfolate and my insomnia. Just taking Mb12 only I have been fine, currently i have reduced my dose of mfolate fro 200mcg to 60mcg per day and my sleep is better. I will titrate up over time to a max of 400mcg


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
Avalon - I had a similar experience. No trouble with B12. More methylfolate = more insomnia. I am appreciative that it gives me energy, but I don't wanna be wired well into the night.


Senior Member
Oxford, England
Avalon - I had a similar experience. No trouble with B12. More methylfolate = more insomnia. I am appreciative that it gives me energy, but I don't wanna be wired well into the night.

Same here, the only way forward is to reduce the dosage as without sleep you deteriorate fast, your anxiety, irritability will increase as well as fatigue, due to interruption in stage 4 and REM sleep.


Senior Member
I haven't yawned since starting mB12 back in late January until several weeks after stopping both mB12 and mfolate in mid March :eek: I think it was late April when I started to yawn again :rolleyes: And now I just can't stop :cautious:

I tried niacin once but it didn't help b/c it probably wasn't enough, and I had the salicylate problem driving me crazy to solve first :bang-head:



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Have you tried taking a B12 when you feel wired? I ocassionally got symptoms when increasing folate. A 1mg B12 magically dampened them. Others suggest niacin.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@amho no... I only am up to 1mg B12 sublingual in the a.m. You're suggesting to take an extra B12 for late night methylation insomnia? I think of it as a stimulating, energizing nutrient in general... But I've noticed I can nap on it.
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Senior Member
Ventura, CA
@amho no... I only am up to 1mg B12 sublingual in the a.m. You're suggesting to take an extra B12 for late night methylation insomnia? I think of it as a stimulating, energizing nutrient in general... But I've noticed I can nap on it.

Maybe take the methyl folate in the early morning? Does it cause you to feel wired even if you take it before your first meal?


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
Yeah the methylfolate-containing multi vitamin - taken before breakfast - has a POWERFUL effect on me at the full dose of 400mcg. Both good and bad.

Good energy, stability, mood effects. Less need for other supplements (ribose, thyroid glandular).

In addition to the late-nite energy insomnia, the worst big effect I noticed was an urgently heightened sense of FEAR & Anxiety. Amgdyalda / Limbic Brain type paranoia and feelings of being unsafe. I get these normally but the methlfolate vitamins seem to kick it up a few notches. As a result of the unease, I re-developed acid reflux for the first time in many months. I also got muscle inflammation :(

Do you believe the fear is this is indicative of toxins being released?

Or is it just many neurochemicals boosted too fast?

Damaged mitochondria that can't handle operating functionally?

The side effects are intolerable. Can't / won't continue at this dose for now. Decided to 'dry out' and start very slow.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Yeah the methylfolate-containing multi vitamin - taken before breakfast - has a POWERFUL effect on me at the full dose of 400mcg. Both good and bad.

Good energy, stability, mood effects. Less need for other supplements (ribose, thyroid glandular).

In addition to the late-nite energy insomnia, the worst big effect I noticed was an urgently heightened sense of FEAR & Anxiety. Amgdyalda / Limbic Brain type paranoia and feelings of being unsafe. I get these normally but the methlfolate vitamins seem to kick it up a few notches. As a result of the unease, I re-developed acid reflux for the first time in many months. I also got muscle inflammation :(

Do you believe the fear is this is indicative of toxins being released?

Or is it just many neurochemicals boosted too fast?

Damaged mitochondria that can't handle operating functionally?

The side effects are intolerable. Can't / won't continue at this dose for now. Decided to 'dry out' and start very slow.

Could be die off of toxins, you obviously had something set off your illness in the first place. Anxiety can be closely tied with low potassium from start up. How are you doing with magnesium and potassium?