Over-methylation vrs MTHFR symptoms, how do you tell the difference?

Austin TX
The symptoms for MTHFR and over-methylation are pretty much the same. How do you tell the difference?

Also, how did you find the correct dose of methylfolate?


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
For me there was not a lot of difference. My main symptom of brain-fog was associated with both. Until I increased B12 into the 'Freddd range'. Now I seem to be able to take a lot of mfolate. Niacin works like a charm for over-methylation.
It became clear early in treatment that I was not absorbing mfolate well. Instinctively I was drawn to pouring the powder into my buccal pouch. I don't measure the amount that I take and there is some variation day-to-day. I take as much as I am led to take as often as I am led to take it. Usually 2.5 - 3 mg/day. I don't know what this would equate to in swallowed capsules but have not had any success with up to 9 mg/day via that route.
Most try to work up to 1000 mcg and take it from there.... brad