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Outdoors work for people with CFS?


Senior Member
Hello everyone curious if anyone knows of outdoor work that one can do with CFS,?

I was looking to travel cross country and possible stay in campgrounds while going from town to town

Thanks ladies and gents


Senior Member
The answer is totally dependent on your severity of CFS.
And how intense it is when it flares.

Question: what is the probability of working outdoors on a hot humid day making the CFS flare faster than usual and you suddenly having brain fog while looking for the intersection to turn to get back to the campground after work?

In my case, my working indoors in stores days ended when my fatigue flares got so bad that I could not remember how the cash register, any cash register, worked and I was right in the middle of using it! And by that point I had been in and out of retail since the middle 1980s and I KNEW how cash registers worked.
Except now I didn't.

Also in my case, the fatigue can flare severe enough that I literally can not lift the hood of my minivan. Now, imagine similar happening to you while you are using a chainsaw ....


Senior Member
I guess it depends what your skills are? For instance, certain jobs in wildlife conservation might be accessible if you can walk reasonably well, but obviously you'd need the qualifications. It'd help to know your background.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
possible stay in campgrounds

There are private concessionaires who camp in campgrounds and are there to make sure the rules are followed..so somehow folks often with an RV, can be found doing that. Maybe check Forest Service and BLM to find out what contractors may have those concessions.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
if anyone knows of outdoor work that one can do with CFS

Back to say I just did almost 3 months in the subtropics, some warmth....and sadly, I did not "feel better" while there...got more sun, most likely, also.

Good luck...finding relief.