Hi, Valentijn.
Here are some comments on your test results:
You have deficiencies in vitamin B6 and magnesium.
You have glutathione depletion, a functional B12 deficiency, a partial methylation cycle block, and depletion of folates. (Your methylmalonate is normal because the B6 deficiency is preventing this pathway from being challenged.)
The B6 and magnesium deficiencies are both contributing to a low rate of synthesis of glutathione. You are in severe oxidative stress because of the glutathione depletion.
Your gut doesn't look too bad, but you may have a little dysbiosis and yeast overgrowth.
Your tryptophan is low, and that is likely contributing to the low serotonin, but low tetrahydrobiopterin and low B6 are probably contributing also.
The drop between dopamine and norepinephrine is probably due to the vitamin C depletion.
The early drop in your cortisol and your low-normal DHEA are likely due to dysfunction in the secretion of ACTH by the pituitary, secondary to glutathione depletion in the pituitary.
Your low-normal 24-hour urine volume suggests that you don't have diabetes insipidus (not to be confused with diabetes mellitus).
Your low-normal GABA with normal glutamic acid suggests that you might have some excitotoxicity.
You have low tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) because of the methylation cycle block and the accompanying block in the folate metabolism.
Your cells are not burning carbohydrates, fats or amino acids at very high rates. I think the magnesium deficiency is blocking the carbohydrate metabolism, and the B6 deficiency is blocking the metabolism of fats and amino acids. I would guess that you don't have much energy, and that your body is running at a below-normal temperature. I wonder if you have had your thyroid hormones checked, including TSH, free T4, free T3 and reverse T3. Low thyroid could be contributing to this low metabolic rate
Your vitamin C is depleted because the low glutathione status prevents it from being recycled.
I think those are all of my comments.
Best regards,