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options for testosterone off-insurance


Senior Member
My testosterone (free and total) is always low or just barely within normal range each time it's checked. The last time it was checked it was 105 (ref range starts at 100) so insurance wouldn't cover the prescription for Androgel. Does anyone have experience/recommendation buying testosterone replacement without insurance coverage? That $600 per bottle price tag is a no go.

I'm really wanting the gel so I can have more control of dosage (low and slow).

Just looking for advice from anyone in the same boat on how you did it. Thanks!


senior member
Concord, NH
My Dr prescribes me Clomid/clomiphene citrate at 25 mgs 2 to 3 times a week. Think that raises my T, I also take DHEA and pregnenolone. Not sure if the later are necessary for higher T. They might be to balance other hormones etc..



Senior Member
I also had low-end-of-normal testosterone levels. My doctor referred me to a mail order compounding pharmacy that was able to supply the cream for something like $25 a tube (full cost, not a copay) vs the $600 Androgel. It ended up that it had no benefit for me and wasn't worth the side effects, but I fully expect the Androgel would have been no different. You might ask your doctor about a compounding pharmacy, or search on line for one yourself.
Second compounding pharmacy. My shady for profit TRT clinic was only $200 a month.

T alone was exceptionally rough, the entire treatment was, consider a very small dose of anastrozole weekly to see if you tolerate it.


Senior Member
T alone was exceptionally rough, the entire treatment was, consider a very small dose of anastrozole weekly to see if you tolerate it.

I've been afraid of that. Just replacing hormones seems like a roll of the dice since your body's equilibrium has it down for a reason. That's why I wanted the gel and not the shot or pellet since I could start really low and see what happens before doing something that would rock my world for weeks.

wasn't worth the side effects

Did you have any direct side-effects?


Senior Member
My Dr prescribes me Clomid/clomiphene citrate at 25 mgs 2 to 3 times a week. Think that raises my T, I also take DHEA and pregnenolone. Not sure if the later are necessary for higher T. They might be to balance other hormones etc..


Are you happy with this protocol in general?


Senior Member
Did you have any direct side-effects?
There's plenty written on the long term side effects of testosterone replacement so everyone can make up their own mind on that. The more or less immediate side effects that I had were sinusitis type stuff. I stopped and started a few times to test it, so no doubt that it was the testosterone.