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OMF Welcomes Alain Moreau, PhD, to our Scientific Advisory Board

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,

Dr. Alain Moreau joins the OMF Scientific Advisory Board

OMF is honored to welcome Canadian researcher, Dr. Alain Moreau, to our
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB,) which is directed by Ronald W. Davis. PhD.

"I initially decided to invite Dr. Moreau to join our ME/CFS Working Group because he demonstrated that he could take multiple novel approaches to understanding the disease. For example, he has conducted an extensive analysis of the microRNAs that can exert major controls over cell function. It is clear that his work will be very complementary to the research of other investigators. I was pleased to invite him to join the OMF Scientific Advisory Board. It extends our international collaboration for solving ME/CFS." Ron Davis, PhD

Recently, Dr. Moreau was appointed Director of the Interdisciplinary Canadian Collaborative Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Research Network, a national research network funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research.

Additionally, a generous Canadian family made an anonymous, designated gift to OMF Canada of $1.2 million over two years to support ME/CFS research undertaken in Dr. Moreau's Montreal-based laboratory.

"The support of Open Medicine Foundation Canada arrives at a critical time for my team, and we wish to thank all of you who are contributing to our research efforts to decipher the ME/CFS enigma. I truly believe that we are at the brink of a breakthrough. Still, success will come only by working in a collaborative manner, not in silos, because together we can achieve the excellence necessary to end ME/CFS". Alain Moreau PhD

Welcome, Dr. Moreau, to OMF's global collaboration team.

Learn more about Dr. Moreau.



Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
"The support of Open Medicine Foundation Canada arrives at a critical time for my team, and we wish to thank all of you who are contributing to our research efforts to decipher the ME/CFS enigma. I truly believe that we are at the brink of a breakthrough. Still, success will come only by working in a collaborative manner, not in silos, because together we can achieve the excellence necessary to end ME/CFS". Alain Moreau PhD

I also feel like a breakthrough is not far off. I've been following the research for several years, fairly closely and it just seems like there is so much research happening in so many different pivotal areas of ME/CFS.

The two that jump out first to me are Jarred Younger, looking for immune cells from the body that could be crossing the blood brain barrier and causing neuro-inflammation. Also Ron and his team looking for the "something in the blood" causing the mito. dysfunction.

Either of which could be traced back to the actual cause of ME/CFS.


Senior Member
There's so much good news here:

Dr. Moreau's official appointment to the Scientific Board of the OMF;
the confidence Dr. Davis has expressed in Dr. Moreau;
the optimism expressed by Dr. Moreau;

and I especially like this part

the sizable donation by a generous Canadian family specifically for Dr. Moreau's Canadian research!
(Traduction google) Bravo Dr Moreau. Bonjour, juste un petit résumé de son étude. : // www.em-action.fr/resume-deuxieme-symposium-communautaire/. Alain Moreau étudie le rôle des microcirculants chez les patients atteints d'EM / SFC. Le microARN est une petite molécule qui circule dans le corps et peut réguler la production de protéines et d'enzymes à partir de gènes. Son hypothèse est que "ME / CFS est causée par un problème dans l'expression des microARN, qui module les fonctions immunitaires, le métabolisme énergétique et la réponse au stress physiologique". Le Dr Moreau utilise un brassard de massage pour stimuler une réaction chez les patients atteints d'EM / SFC, comparable à l'inconfort post-exercice. Il mesure les niveaux de microARN avant et après stimulation et altération qui se produisent chez les patients ME / CFS par rapport aux témoins sains. Des différences significatives ont été observées entre les patients et les témoins. De plus, les données peuvent être séparées en 5 sous-groupes concernés sur le microARN, qui diffère selon l'expression des symptômes. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur ses recherches, voici une vidéo (OMF, 2019) J'ai participé à la recherche en octobre dernier.
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