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olive leaf extract and nitric oxide


Senior Member
I think those doses build up in the body, and/of shift the homeostasis... I was taking 6mg of P5P and after 10 days I had a serotonin syndrome, taking P5P only depleted me from B2.

Long ago I read that B5 is a good anti-histamine, probably this is why it resolves brain fog.

I never tried piracetam. Daily consumption of fresh oregano (seasoning) resolved my brain fog.

good to know... I love oregano

I think that the B5 effect on Brain Fog is due to it's influence on acetylcholine.... Anything anti-histamine is good for me... I'm in a constant inflammatory, histamine fog


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@ebethc, @Gondwanaland - well, my arginine/phosphorus experiment did not go well, am stopping the arginine again. It left me quite tired again, despite increasing my phosphorus with kefir and monosodium phosphate. Dang! So obviously something else is going on with the arginine and I don't have a clue. But, phosphorus definitely helped me with B1 and extra B12, which I'm very glad for. It worked rather quickly with those two supplements, within a day, which was nice.

@Gondwanaland - I found out where your name came from! I've been reading Krakatoa by Simon Winchester - it's fascinating and extremely detailed, he gives the historical and geological basis for tectonic plate theory and so on, and in the course of this he talked about a great southern continent, Gondwanaland! I've always wondered about your name :)


Senior Member
@ebethc, @Gondwanaland - well, my arginine/phosphorus experiment did not go well, am stopping the arginine again. It left me quite tired again, despite increasing my phosphorus with kefir and monosodium phosphate. Dang! So obviously something else is going on with the arginine and I don't have a clue. But, phosphorus definitely helped me with B1 and extra B12, which I'm very glad for. It worked rather quickly with those two supplements, within a day, which was nice.

@Gondwanaland - I found out where your name came from! I've been reading Krakatoa by Simon Winchester - it's fascinating and extremely detailed, he gives the historical and geological basis for tectonic plate theory and so on, and in the course of this he talked about a great southern continent, Gondwanaland! I've always wondered about your name :)

sorry to hear it was a bust.... i've not had good luck w arginine... worst crash.. I think it's due to raising nitric oxide, but who knows... nitric oxide is interesting though, and maybe I'll dig into it at another time... I've had good luck w pycnogenol, though, and I know that has a more gentle effect on nitric oxide and is an excellent antioxidant


Senior Member
You very well could be right about the nitric oxide. What has pycnogenol done for you?

it's a good general antioxidant... brain fog is a killer for me, so it helps clear brain fog, and lower inflammation... Lowering inflammation for me is like waiving a magic wand over a lot of symptoms... it also helps aches & pains.. I don't hurt as much


Senior Member
You very well could be right about the nitric oxide. What has pycnogenol done for you?
btw - dave asprey has written/podcasted about good nitric oxide vs bad nitric oxide, BUT unfortunately not in nearly enough detail... I couldn't find anything substantive from him, but I am hoping that he digs into it and writes a post! I'll keep checking and I'll let you know if he writes anything


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
btw - dave asprey has written/podcasted about good nitric oxide vs bad nitric oxide, BUT unfortunately not in nearly enough detail... I couldn't find anything substantive from him, but I am hoping that he digs into it and writes a post! I'll keep checking and I'll let you know if he writes anything

Thanks - I've never heard of good vs. bad nitric oxide before!


Senior Member
Thanks - I've never heard of good vs. bad nitric oxide before!

That was the first that I had heard of it, too... I think he believes that endothelial nitric oxide is good, and other kinds can be "bad" (more oxidative stress?? not sure)... I should write him a note asking him to delve into it more..He already seems to be circling the topic, but I don't spend a lot of time on his site


Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I'm beginning to think that these crash reactions may be due to refeeding syndrome, and specifically hypophosphatemia - low phosphate or phosphorus, which is the hallmark of refeeding syndrome.
Taking any B vitamin alone can cause a deficiency in other B vitamins. It is a good idea to take a low dose multi-B when taking any B.

I am taking 250 mg B5 twice/day. I do not have any problem with it, but I also still have brain fog.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Taking any B vitamin alone can cause a deficiency in other B vitamins. It is a good idea to take a low dose multi-B when taking any B.

I am taking 250 mg B5 twice/day. I do not have any problem with it, but I also still have brain fog.

I totally agree with you about taking a B complex, especially when supplementing when individual Bs - I already do that. But this particular severe fatigue that hit a couple of days after initially feeling better on B1 and extra B12 resolved when I ate high phosphorus foods plus took a low dose of monosodium phosphate. I think it's similar to the potassium depletion that can occur when starting folate, B12 etc.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
sorry to hear it was a bust.... i've not had good luck w arginine... worst crash.. I think it's due to raising nitric oxide, but who knows... nitric oxide is interesting though, and maybe I'll dig into it at another time... I've had good luck w pycnogenol, though, and I know that has a more gentle effect on nitric oxide and is an excellent antioxidant

I discovered that arginine lowers cortisol ---- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17510493

My self-muscle testing indicated that my adrenals were weak after 3 days on the arginine - that's what was causing the severe fatigue - it's powerful stuff! Prior to starting the arginine I was down to only one tablet of Drenamin (adrenal glandular) a day as maintenance, and had to go up to 6 a day, and am gradually regaining my energy. Usually I go to my chiropractor to see what his testing shows - it almost always confirms what I've come up with - but ironically was too tired to go this week :confused: So this may be what happened to you too on the arginine - maybe not, but a definite possibility.


Senior Member
I discovered that arginine lowers cortisol ---- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17510493

My self-muscle testing indicated that my adrenals were weak after 3 days on the arginine - that's what was causing the severe fatigue - it's powerful stuff! Prior to starting the arginine I was down to only one tablet of Drenamin (adrenal glandular) a day as maintenance, and had to go up to 6 a day, and am gradually regaining my energy. Usually I go to my chiropractor to see what his testing shows - it almost always confirms what I've come up with - but ironically was too tired to go this week :confused: So this may be what happened to you too on the arginine - maybe not, but a definite possibility.

interesting! I definitely have weak/sensitive adrenals.... I've been taking pantothenic acid lately... at first it was fantastic, and now it just makes me mildly tired.. I don't take big doses.. (the rec'ed doses for adrenal fatigue are very high, too)... small amounts of choline.. also helped at first, and now nothing.. I'm stumped


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
interesting! I definitely have weak/sensitive adrenals.... I've been taking pantothenic acid lately... at first it was fantastic, and now it just makes me mildly tired.. I don't take big doses.. (the rec'ed doses for adrenal fatigue are very high, too)... small amounts of choline.. also helped at first, and now nothing.. I'm stumped

I take pantothenic acid also, have for years, I think it helps some, but I would be sunk without Drenamin or Drenatrophin or something comparable. I think we talked about this before, but am not sure ... I used to have to take a rather high dose of Drenamin and then got down to 1 a day, until that arginine! arrghh! but it (the Drenamin) works pretty quickly.


Senior Member
I take pantothenic acid also, have for years, I think it helps some, but I would be sunk without Drenamin or Drenatrophin or something comparable. I think we talked about this before, but am not sure ... I used to have to take a rather high dose of Drenamin and then got down to 1 a day, until that arginine! arrghh! but it (the Drenamin) works pretty quickly.

I've heard you mention Drenamin or Drenatrophin before but I didn't know what it was... Standard Process is a good brand, but I just don't like to take a lot of glandulars, occasionally is okay, so I'll keep it in mind.. just not a long term solution for me... arginine is the worst! and anyone w chronic viral can't throw off the lysine/arginine balance by taking too much arginine

pollution makes me really sick, and this week has been the worst.. I wish I could come up a w solution.. I think I'm just going to start starving myself again so that my body can just focus on detoxing pollution.. processing & eliminating too much at once (pollution AND food) is just too much for my pathetic system..


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@ebethc - sorry to hear that - detoxing is a bitch! I've had a lot of experience detoxing chemicals and toxins but not pollution per se. I found this article interesting, about supporting the liver during Phase II detoxification: http://www.diagnose-me.com/treatment/liver-detoxification-phase-II-support.php

I found that I had inadvertently stumbled across 3 of the amino acids mentioned in the article which at first caused a detox reaction for me, and then seemed to help the whole process - I tolerate them now just fine: glycine (I reacted very strongly to glycine), glutamine and inositol. And since adding them in (once I got to tolerate them) I don't detox nearly as much as I used to. Standard Process (again!) makes a product called Cholacol II which has bentonite clay and collinsonia root which is supposed to help mop up toxins. Charcoal can help too. I'm sure you've got things to help. Lemon juice is also very good for the liver.

I hope you get some relief soon!