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OI Rapid heart beat on standing


Senior Member
London, UK

Since I got cfs I have always been plagued with a rapid heart beat on standing or walking. My BP is 100/66 and my heart rate while resting is 82.

However when I stand my heart jumps to around 100 within a second and then after a minute im into 120-150. This makes me exhausted and dizzy.

I tried a beta blocker in the past and my heart rate was only 60 whilst standing and I could walk for ages without getting tired. But I couldnt tolerate the side effects.

Has anyone had a similar issue or got any suggestions?


Senior Member

One suggestion is to increase drinking water and adding more salt intake. This helps with low blood volume which sometimes is a factor in what you're describing, I believe.

I can't say for sure, just going by my own experience here, but it seems like Vitamin D supplementation helps me with these types of symptoms. I don't know what the possible reason would be, I just now that the times that I'm taking the supplements I have less of these problems, and when I run out for awhile, they begin to come back.


Senior Member
These are not big helps, but they can make life a bit more tolerable.

Get up slowly, I guess it gives your body a little time to get some homeostasis back. Take your time going from lying down to sitting, then sitting to standing.

My son (who has cfs) used to have blackouts when he'd get up too fast.


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
Hi xlynx,

Yes, it's a common problem for many. Another type of drink you could try is a non-glucose version of Aquaforce aka Gookinaid. There's another type in Europe called Revive.
You can make your own at home very cheaply as it's just table salt and 'No Salt', a potassium chloride substitute for salt. Here's the recipe:

It really needs some stevia or lime/lemon juice or something! to make it palatable. I'm with Jody, drink lotsa water every day, especially first thing of the day. Good luck with it if you decide to try.


Senior Member
London, UK
Hi Jody,

Thanks for that info, I had my first blackout the other day after going into a hot shower scared the life out of me, im going to cut back on the heat I think. I just bought some Vitamin D supplements yesterday so that works perfectly :). What sort of UI are you taking the ones I have here are 400ui, I have heard of some people take 2000ui can I ask you what you take?

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the info and link to the homebrew. I will definitely give this a try. Have you got any experience with this as I am always interested to know.



OI symptoms

Hi - I too have had a lot of trouble with OI - much worse these past 3 years, but had been increasing for about 7 years. I could not tolerate the side-effects of beta blockers either:( As my symptoms worsened, I could no longer tolerate hot showers at all. Please be careful with those, and think about getting a shower chair or bench (if you don't have one) so that you can get your head down if you begin feeling too light-headed while showering.

Vitamin D3 is supposed to be more easily absorbed than other forms of vitamin D. My doctor checked my vitamin D levels (D 25 dihydroxy) for the first time in September - my level was 7 - normal is supposedly 32-100. I've talked with several people with levels lower than 7 that report no improvement in any of their symptoms with correction of vitamin D levels, however I have been having less problems with OI lately. I still have problems, but not to the same extent. This may not last or may not have anything to do with bringing up the vit D level - after 8 weeks of 5000 units of D3 every other day my level was up to a whopping 23:p - so we'll see what happens. The goal is to get it to around 60-80 and we're not going to recheck for 6 months.
Many doctors use much larger doses of vit D to treat a deficiency - like 50,000 Units once a week or more frequently. I don't think you can do any harm with 400 units daily - many multivitamins have that much in them now, but you won't make much headway in treating a severe deficiency if you have one. I would ask the doctor to check your levels, since many people with fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and CFS have been found to be significantly deficient.
Drinking lots of water and adding a teaspoon of sea salt a couple of times a day seems to help too.
Good luck - any improvement however slight is a big deal:)


Senior Member
London, UK
Hi Loldershaw,

Wow 7 was low. I hope that improves your symptoms. I will probably get my Vit D level checked. I read in a book fatigued to fantastic that treating for anemia even if your iron levels are normal can improve OI as most cfs patients have low red blood cell count. My doctor is not keen on that though.

Yeah I going to put a chair in the shower and sit on it from the word go and save my self a whole load of energy and a black out:).

OI is horrible it is another one of the those nasty cfs symtpoms, hoping I will get some improvements with these tips.

Good luck with the Vit d hope it gives you an improvment. :)


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
xlynx, I drank Aquaforce for about 2 years and it was very beneficial for the OI. Eventually this blood pressure problem became less of a concern. I may just be lucky as I no longer need it, though standing for long periods is difficult...the blood pools in my legs. The longer I stand the worse I get...
The high glucose in it, I found out later, isn't such a good thing for the gut.

Another tip for the shower is to use cooler water for the last 30 seconds. The cooler water is meant to make the blood retreat a bit from the skin. Early on in this illness I found this strategy helpful too.
I've also used tight legged clothing, like sports 'Skins' on my legs help a bit, but I only use them occasionally and when I remember!

Cort wrote a good piece some time back here


Senior Member
London, UK
Hi Tony,

Interesting tip on cooler water for last 30 seconds as I usually fell really light headed for 20 mins after the shower. Also thank you for the link great info. :)


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Can anyone guide me with my situation. Had low BP for yrs and it kept me bedbound. Now I have high Bp and heart rate......but when I stand it shooots right up further. Seeing I have now high Bp is it still Ok to take some form of salt. I have bed rock cortisol in the morning and I notice it worse then. Better PM.

Did you know there is an enzyme now to digest gluten and casein.....Lifestyle Enzymes...digests food better. It contains DPP1V and i see iherb.com have some products with it in. My Doc/naturopath gave it to me.