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Occupy CFS: P2P Agenda Fatigue


Senior Member
Cornwall England
P2P Agenda Fatigue

May 22, 2014

HHS officials have made confusing statements about the goals of the P2P Workshop, but I have obtained documents through FOIA that give us insight into the structure of the meeting. Two versions of the Workshop draft agenda strongly suggest that the meeting will be focused on the broad category of unexplained fatigue, and the most effective treatments for that symptom...
Framing with fatigue

Both of the documents include the same description of the overview that will begin the meeting:
Dr. Maier will detail the topic and why it is of public health importance:

Overwhelming fatigue or malaise as a public health problem
Controversies that exist
Treating ME/CFS with drug and non-drug therapies

Just to be sure you didn’t miss it, here’s is the framing for this meeting on ME/CFS: Overwhelming fatigue or malaise as a public health problem. Not ME/CFS as a public health problem. Not post-exertional malaise as a public health problem. Not cognitive dysfunction and disability as a public health problem. To NIH, “overwhelming fatigue” is the public health problem.

This is so wrong. It ignores what we’ve been saying about our experiences for years. It ignores the science on PEM and cognitive dysfunction. It ignores the fundamental question of what disease or diseases are being included in the CFS bucket. In fact, it steps back in time to the Oxford definition: overwhelming fatigue alone...

Read more: http://www.occupycfs.com/2014/05/22/p2p-agenda-fatigue/
P2P Workshop:
"Dr. Maier will detail the topic and why it is of public health importance":

"Overwhelming fatigue or malaise as a public health problem

Controversies that exist

Treating ME/CFS with drug and non-drug therapies."



"Lets talk about the Public Health Problem of the 'Overwhelming Fatigue' Epidemic"

"Lets endlessly debate the [manufactured] Controversies"

"Lets discuss/promote antidepressants and CBT/GET as the Universal Panacea for 'The Fatigue Epidemic' "
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