Objective CPET improvement & remission on ketogenic diet


Senior Member
South East, England
Ketogenic diets don't work for me since I got ME, and that seems to be the experience of many other ME patients as well.
All very individual it seems, as plenty of others have reported benefits, albeit some only for a period of months. Was interested to see that the gender divide doesn't seem influence it either way massively either.

The CPET expert did say it would be interesting to load me up on carbs again to see if my poor results returned - but I think this was the scientist rather than the clinician talking, I doubt he could justify recommending that. I might consider doing it myself in future though as I can get a VO2max test in the sports physiology department at my Uni. No plans to rock the boat yet though.

The only disappointment of the otherwise thoroughly encouraging 3rd test was that with a near-normal result, the doors closed on any possible testing for mitochondrial myopathy. Its something I still might consider pursuing in future, but probably only if I deteriorate and/or do another poor test 'on carbs'. I wonder how much they'd be able to do besides recommend keto diet + supplements anyway...