NYT article David Tuller

Heh, and one of these tools has been trolling XMRV/CFS articles for nearly the past year, assuming it's the same "Skeptic" (a fairly safe assumption, despite the commonality of the name.)

I remember about, oh, 8 months or so ago when they were twice as belligerent, rude and condescending (if you can believe that) in their comments. Now they claim to have ME/CFS patients' "best interests at heart." :rolleyes: What a joke. :D Their panic and desperation at this point is palpable and frankly, quite sad. Not that I feel an ounce of sympathy for them, nor will I when they get run over by the train of truth that they're moronically standing on it's tracks, eyes closed and ears plugged as it heads their way. (Forgive the poor grammar here... mind feels like it's melting a bit today. :mask:)

Alex: great post!


Yeppers. those guys who troll around and post the negative comments? I call them the corruption supporters. Anybody trying to support the viewpoints that have been clearly debunked. Supporting the CBT stuff is clearly an act of corruption in my mind from the ones that should clearly know better.

The corruption supporters can be found commenting on other news as well, not just CFS/ME news. They do the same thing for political related articles to. I wouldn;t be supprised if they are hired and paid to do the comments. The corruption suporters opinions, below the online articles, are so uniform at times it seems as though there is no other logical explantion. THey are doing it to control public opinion. I'm super skeptical of everything now of course.(after our long and bruised CFS/ME history with Reeves,wessley, and the rest)


Senior Member
"Skeptic" is like some sort of ME "Groupie". He has posted to so many online threads. Kinda flattering that in his sad miserable life he needs to follow us around panting for attention.