NutrEval Test Results: Help!


Senior Member
Hi Calico,

Thanks for posting this info. My doc ordered this test for me but since I've been feeling pretty good lately and have company in town, I haven't wanted to give up the supplements that I "think" are helping me. Even for 4 days ... KOW ... Just out of curiousity, do you think you learned anything that may help you with your illness from this test ?

I quickly read the link you gave on the possible causes of POTS and noticed that they referred to a Herpes virus. I "think" my last bad bout of OI came on after I stopped taking Virastop, Candidase and Candidastat for about a month. I'd been taking this or treating my viruses / candida with herbals most days for almost 3 years now. My doc wants me to stay on these but I had forgotten ... When I asked a freind to suggest something for my worsening OI, she recommended serrapeptase because it fixes sticky red blood cells. So, I'm not sure if the Virastop helped me because it has serrapeptase or because I have 1 or 2 Herpes viruses. I do have to take Lysine everyday or else I get viral symptoms so maybe that's a clue ...

I can't remember if you've been tested for the viruses most CFSers have or not ....

Sorry to hear that treating your adrenals didn't fix your POTS. BTW, is it possible that a more natural approach to treating your adrenals would work ? I ask because I'm on DHEA, pregnenolone and testosterone for my adrenal fatigue. My doc says it will take me about a year to get my DHEA up to where it should be. I'm 54 going on 55 and menopausal too, so maybe that's why it will take me so long ... FWIW ... I can feel the DHEA working but not the other two.

Thanks again for the interesting discussion ... X


Senior Member
Yes I stopped taking all of my supplements for the time frame they suggested. Sadly I don't "feel" much from my supplements, so it wasn't a big deal to me. Those who take something and have these amazing pleasant side effects, I can never understand. heh I was still on HC and florinef because I'd die without those. It says it can affect the results, but my life is HC so I have no choice.

This caught my attention before but I was too busy to respond. I'm not sure if this will help you ... but .... I remember Elisabeth Hasselbeck saying after she gave up gluten, she was able to have children and prior to eliminating gluten from her diet, she couldn't. The doctor she saw for her celiac diagnosis said that her body was too busy fighting the toxic reaction her body had to gluten to allow her to get pregnant. I'm not saying that you're problem is gluten or celiac disease but that possibly your body is too busy fighting other toxins for you to respond to any other treatments ... I hope this makes sense ... lol ... it's late here ... I can tell from personal experience that if I was still eating gluten, I'd still be sick all the time and nothing would work for me.

You've responded to eliminating certain foods so that's a good sign. Is it possible that you added something that is causing other reactions ? Or that you need to look at other foods that you're intolerant to ? Have you had an ALCAT or gone on a strict elimination diet ?

Sorry if you've already considered this ... g nite ... X


Senior Member
Since I have high levels of cysteine, I don't know what I'm supposed to do to raise gluathione. Doesn't seem like I fit the mold here. :(

Hi, Calico13.

If you haven't already tried curcumin (as in turmeric), that might be worth considering. Curcumin stimulates the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of glutathione, which is glutamate cysteine ligase (formerly called gamma-glutamyl cysteine synthetase). Cysteine is usually the rate-limiting amino acid, so if you have enough of that, then maybe stimulating this enzyme would help.

Best regards,

The allergy test I had done listed a TON of foods. I'm not sure exactly what foods ALCAT test but mine was an IgG test that checked for about 80+ foods. If I were to get rid of everything I reacted to, I have no idea what I'd eat. It really is that bad...:eek: Basically I took all of the class 2's/3's and eliminated them. There were a few 1's I also avoid because it's an easy thing to avoid (blueberries, grapes for instance). However the class 1's that I continue to eat are corn, soy, potatoes, lemons, LETTUCE (this one made me laugh actually), black pepper, and broccoli. I've thought about eliminating all of those, but with my NutrEval showing no gastrointestinal issues at this point I don't think it's necessary. The longer I'm gluten free and YEAST free (really important for me) the better my stomach is getting. I think it's been about a year and I can now drink dairy without having severe lactose intolerance issues. I think my gut is healing or healed!

I have no idea what I'd eat if I got rid of all of those foods listed above and I eat very little as is. We mostly just eat chicken, potatoes, veggies, rice and butter... I feel like I'm on a permanent elimination diet. :Retro tongue:

Soy, potatoes and corn are tough to avoid because they are used in A LOT of foods as starches or just happen to be in there from cross contamination. Most GF foods use potato flours, starches or corn flours instead of wheat! Ahh! I don't eat soy protein at all, but I do get it incidentally because of cross contamination of other goods. Most foods say right on there "Processed in facility that also uses soy and nuts". Very frustrating! I think people allergic to soy have it way worse these days compared to Celiacs. Gluten intolerance is very mainstream these days. Starbucks has GF cookies now!


Senior Member
Hi Calico,

I completely understand how you feel about the elimination diet. I hate all of my dietary restrictions too but I haven't found any other way of dealing with this yet. I finally settled on the Paleo diet and stopped having to read all those labels. DAN! still recommends dietary intervention above everything else and I consider them the experts on healing leaky gut. Except ... I did find this the other day ...

And I "think" "maybe" ... lol ... my myoclonus has something to do with probiotics / bad bacteria / gut dysbiosis more than it does gluten. I was able to get off of my Theanine (alternative for Klonopin taken for myoclonus) after I started making my own probiotic drink about a month ago. I ran out though and had myoclonus and a lot of gas last nite so I need to get busy and make some more today. The probiotic supplements don't appear to work as well for me. I'm still trying to understand this though ... The Body Ecology program recommends getting a variety of good bacteria but since they sell probiotics, I was ignoring them. ; ) And I've heard that VSL#3 and Threelac are two widely recomended probiotic supplements that are also liquid based ...

BTW. I noticed that you didn't list fish, beef, lamb or pork ... are those a problem for you ? How about asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, limas, peas, kale, etc ? Fruits ? Nuts and seeds ? Do you eat any dehydrated foods ?

I can't explain how people can have a reaction to foods without digestion problems but the folks at can. It has to do with our immune system reaction but doesn't include the gut. There are several doctors mentioned on that site who do a great job of explaining this. I just never really understood what they were saying. The trend now is to consider celiac disease a symptom of gluten intolerance, not the only recognized condition caused by gluten intolerance.

FWIW .. I don't have any digestive reactions to dairy either but I get dark marks on the sides of my nose beside my eyes and dark lines under my eyes if I eat dairy a few times in a row. It takes me 7 - 10 days to get rid of these marks too. My doc said that this was my body's way of telling me not to eat dairy. It took me a few years to figure this out because I didn't notice the dark marks on either side of my nose and the dark marks under my eyes don't show up for awhile. I've had these marks off and on my whole life but never knew what they were. My doc said that this meant I coudn't have dairy. I was willing to live with the marks but my doc gave me the "look" when I brought this up ... lol ...

I was thinking that it could be a non food toxin keeping your body under stress too though. Like mold or chemicals ... I'm sure that you'll figure it out though since you're on the right track already ... TC ... X
Hi Calico,

I completely understand how you feel about the elimination diet. I hate all of my dietary restrictions too but I haven't found any other way of dealing with this yet. I finally settled on the Paleo diet and stopped having to read all those labels. DAN! still recommends dietary intervention above everything else and I consider them the experts on healing leaky gut. Except ... I did find this the other day ...

And I "think" "maybe" ... lol ... my myoclonus has something to do with probiotics / bad bacteria / gut dysbiosis more than it does gluten. I was able to get off of my Theanine (alternative for Klonopin taken for myoclonus) after I started making my own probiotic drink about a month ago. I ran out though and had myoclonus and a lot of gas last nite so I need to get busy and make some more today. The probiotic supplements don't appear to work as well for me. I'm still trying to understand this though ... The Body Ecology program recommends getting a variety of good bacteria but since they sell probiotics, I was ignoring them. ; ) And I've heard that VSL#3 and Threelac are two widely recomended probiotic supplements that are also liquid based ...
I looked up the paleo diet and I guess we eat something very close to that, but I never thought it had a name. I haven't eaten out at a restaurant of any type for over a year. No fast food, no take out, no convenience store foods of any type. The worst thing I eat are potato chips and I always get the natural ones without any flavoring. Just salt!

I have never found probiotics to do anything for me, so I've always been pretty skeptical of them. If they help you, then that is awesome.

BTW. I noticed that you didn't list fish, beef, lamb or pork ... are those a problem for you ? How about asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, limas, peas, kale, etc ? Fruits ? Nuts and seeds ? Do you eat any dehydrated foods ?
I absolutely won't touch pork. It is nasty and dirty! haha I don't eat fish because of the contamination issue and I cant' afford fish that is guaranteed to be free from these problems. It also makes my lips tingle a bit too. Beef we eat. Lamb is nasty to me too. Ugh. I nearly vomited from it HAHA It just had this terrible taste to it that I cannot get down.

We eat asparagus a lot. No peas because my hubby hates them. I used to eat a lot of brussel sprouts but not so much recently. We eat some fruits, but I'm not usually in the mood for them. I'd rather have something salty. Yes we eat nuts and seeds. No dehydrated foods.

I can't explain how people can have a reaction to foods without digestion problems but the folks at can. It has to do with our immune system reaction but doesn't include the gut. There are several doctors mentioned on that site who do a great job of explaining this. I just never really understood what they were saying. The trend now is to consider celiac disease a symptom of gluten intolerance, not the only recognized condition caused by gluten intolerance.

FWIW .. I don't have any digestive reactions to dairy either but I get dark marks on the sides of my nose beside my eyes and dark lines under my eyes if I eat dairy a few times in a row. It takes me 7 - 10 days to get rid of these marks too. My doc said that this was my body's way of telling me not to eat dairy. It took me a few years to figure this out because I didn't notice the dark marks on either side of my nose and the dark marks under my eyes don't show up for awhile. I've had these marks off and on my whole life but never knew what they were. My doc said that this meant I coudn't have dairy. I was willing to live with the marks but my doc gave me the "look" when I brought this up ... lol ...

My reactions to foods are mostly an itchy rash on the back of my legs and itchy bumps along my jawline. That's how I know I ate something I shouldn't have (accidentall) or it lets me know that I am still reacting to that food (as an experiement). :Retro smile:
Hi, Calico13.
If you haven't already tried curcumin (as in turmeric), that might be worth considering. Curcumin stimulates the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of glutathione, which is glutamate cysteine ligase (formerly called gamma-glutamyl cysteine synthetase). Cysteine is usually the rate-limiting amino acid, so if you have enough of that, then maybe stimulating this enzyme would help.

Best regards,

I was reading Dr. Cutler's book and he specifically says not to take this if your Cysteine is high, which mine was....AHH! I starting to think I have a major sulfur issue. The thought of going on a sulfur exclusion diet along with my other dietary restrictions makes me want to cry.

I already have a tough time cooking as is (standing up and the heat of the stove tops/oven) and with even more restrictions, that means more time on my feet.