NT Factor


Senior Member

I bought one package and took one tablet which made me worse because it includes Sulfates. Thats quite stupid to put sulfate forms into this product. So make sure that you are either not sulfate sensitive or take a produkt which does not contain sulfates. I was looking for a product that only contains NT Faktor and no additional substances but couldnt find one.


Senior Member
Southeastern US
My daughter just started NT Factor Energy from Researched Nutritionals: https://www.researchednutritionals.com/store/item.cfm?code=CRN101 This seems to be very similar to the product on prohealth. She has only been taking it for a few days, so it's too soon to know if it will be helpful.

The doctor recommended it for mitochondrial dysfunction, to help with fatigue. She is already taking probiotics, but I'm sure the additional probiotics won't hurt since she's on antibiotics for Lyme.

I'll let you know how she does with it.


Senior Member
I am also taking Researched Nutritionals NT Factor. I was unaware that one could obtain it without a doctor dispensing it, even though it is a supplement. My doctor said it takes about 12 weeks before you see results but I am noticing a slight increase in mental energy at 7 weeks. I am guessing it depends on the extent of the damage to the mitochondria as to how long it takes to work. If I am seeing drastic results in 5 or 6 weeks I will let you know. From my understanding (which is limited) it can take a year or more to fully recover the mitochondria. It is hard to have patiences given the cost of this supplement, but for me, I am willing to let it have the time it needs to work.


Senior Member
OK, it has now been about 10 weeks on NT Factor and I am amazed at the difference!!! PEM is significantly better....recovery time is much quicker. Mental and physical energy have both improved as well as mental clarity, memory and comprehension. I am taking other things too but I do attribute these latest improvements to the NT Factor. It is expensive but proved to be well worth it given the improvements to my quality of life. I will be taking a decreased dose (currently on 2 pills 3x/day) at the 3 mo. mark. I will drop down to 2 pills 2x a day for the next 6 mo. as instructed by my doctor. I would recommend trying NT FACTOR especially to those who have really poor energy levels (whether mental or physical) but encourage anyone who does to expect to be on it for several months (3) before seeing results. [Although it is possible to start to see some improvements or hints before the full 3 months.]


iherb code TAK122
Resting is this product still working for you? the main site only sell to patients with a doctors code, is that where you are getting it from?


Senior Member
It has been ages since I've been on PR but I wanted to update my experience with NT Factor. Yes, Maryb, the one I take only sells to doctors (Researched Nutritionals). I obtain mine from my doctor. I underwent a long term mildly approached antibiotic treatment for nearly one year (after testing positive to Protazoan rheumatica) and it has made the supplements work even better. My doctor noticed a block (it was the bacteria). Nutrients were not getting into the cells as they should so I did the antibiotic treatment and it has made a difference. I am also taking ATP fuel (same brand) which I could not take for a long time due to overstimulation from the CoQ10 in it. I am up to the full dose now (10 pills) thanks to offsetting with L-Theanine at night. Just FYI, I recently leaned that L-Theanine lowers blood pressure as well so anyone with really low blood pressure should use this product with caution.

ATP has worked even better than NT Factor for me. I could not walk for long but have since increased my ability to walk. Gone from wheelchair to using a cane unless in a very large store. Can now help with chores around the house such as cooking and laundry while before I was bed then coach-ridden. So there is a measurable difference.

There are products at online vitamin shops that have some of the same "stuff" in them if you don't have a cooperative doctor.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I have been using "healthy aging with NT factor" for one week now, a combo of mito supps and NT factor you can find on iHerbs. Too soon to draw any conclusion. But just wanted to say that I tolerate it though I have MCS.


Senior Member
I've been taking the "straight" NT Factor with no sulfurs or other active ingredients, vitamin additives, etc. for a couple weeks. They call the product "Smart Youthful Energy," and it is pretty expensive. If it does what it claims it would be worth it, but it's still too early to tell. I thought it was helping my stomach a little, but now not sure yet. It'll take a few more weeks at least to start to see results, I think.
Fresno, CA
I see a lot of people report just beginning to take NT Factor, and it's now six months later. Any updates? NT Factor sounds great, but I'm leery because info I find on the web almost always sounds like a sales pitch, and when ingredients are "proprietary" often that means good research is lacking. However, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt too.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
My physician recommended it the last time I saw her, but I have not been able to find it here in the boondocks.


Senior Member
I think it definitely helped my stomach issues. I think it would take a longer course to help the CFS, and perhaps be more effective after successful methylation startup.


Senior Member
After taking NT Factor with good results, I was able to move on to ATP which does more to repair the mitochondria cells than just NT Factor. It does include NT Factor and unfortunately is even more expensive than NT Factor. But it really has helped. I took the full dose of ATP (all Researched Nutritionals brand) for about 9 months and am now down to half the dose. I have severe over-stimulation problems so (as previously mentioned) I had to take L-Theanine to offset the CoQ10 in the ATP. I am pleased to report that my body has now healed sufficiently to not have to take the L-Theanine anymore (including before halving my dose of ATP). That in itself is a big gain. My doctor recently added Energy Multi-Plex (Also Researched Nutritionals). This is less expensive, although it is not cheap. Because many of our bodies go into fight or flight easily we need more mitochondia support to compensate for the demand, so I'm told.

In terms of measurable differences, I have more physical energy (I can do more household things), can be upright much longer than before, and have better mental energy. Considering I was completely bedridden these are huge gains. I can honestly say that without these supplements I would still be bedridden.

I can understand being leery, Flurrywinde, there is a lot of 'snake oil' out there but I would vouch for these products, with one caution. If you have some sort of bacteria in your system it will block any nutritional supplements or even the nutrients in healthful foods. I was unaware of this problem in me. Once the bacteria problem was taken care of then the supplements were able to do their job. All of this took a lot of time but if you are fighting to get your life back or at least in part, then it is well worth the time and money.

Little Bluestem, I love your Seabiscuit quote!
Fresno, CA
Thanks for the great info, Resting. I might just give NT Factor a try, hopefully Researched Nutritionals, but whatever I can get if I can't get a doctor on board. Speaking of which, who is your doctor? He sounds like someone I'd like to see.

Also, can you tell me more about how bacteria can block nutrients and how your doctor found it? Is it the same as how gut dysbiosis can damage the gut lining, which reduces its ability to absorb nutrients?


Senior Member
Resting, thanks for all the great info. Can you tell me what kind of doctor you're seeing and how he's treating the protomyxzoa rheumatica? Is he coordinating with the original cootie-identifying doctor? I'm positive for the PR too and have been unable to tolerate the MD's antibiotic approach. Would love to get a different doctor onboard to me help tackle it, but no one I've found knows anything about it. Any suggestions most appreciated!


Senior Member
@ Creekee
I see a holistic MD. Along with the Protomyxzoa Rheumatica, they probably ran a test for biofilm on you. You can't get rid of the PR until the biofilm is eliminated. Biofilm feeds off lipids and magnesium, calcium, and iron. I was put on a 15-20 grams of fat/day restriction diet. I did this for the better part of a year. I added Manuka honey 15+ (1 teas/day) to my diet. I bought it online; it is cheaper than in stores. Drank 1 cup tonic water/day for the quinine. Used xylitol as a sugar substitute. It kills biofilm--you'll find it in mouth rinse products like Biotene (which I also used). It tastes like sugar and is not artificial. (skip if allergic to corn, though). You just can't have a large quantity or it will cause digestive disturbances. But if you drink coffee of tea, you can use it to sweeten it with no problems.

I took nattokinase or lumbrokinase(more expensive but works better), to thin my blood to better kill the bacteria. I had a mild herx reaction. Staying on the fat-restricted diet and above mentioned items, I started on the minocycline (it penetrates the lipid cell walls better than doxy, or tetra.). I worked up to 1, 2x /day except weekends. (No antibiotics over the weekend!) I also took probiotics every night to offset the antibiotics. Finally, I added Malarone 1x/day. (Again, no weekends!) This cleared the way for the supplements to work (NT Factor). I only got a small benefit prior to getting rid of the bacteria. There was a significant difference afterward. It was a tough diet to follow but well worth it. Note, once the bacteria was eliminated I added healthy fats back into my diet. These are important for our brains, hearts, etc. They were only removed temporarily.

Disclaimer: This is the overview of what my doctor had me do. I am not a doctor, just sharing my experience.
