@ Creekee
I see a holistic MD. Along with the Protomyxzoa Rheumatica, they probably ran a test for biofilm on you. You can't get rid of the PR until the biofilm is eliminated. Biofilm feeds off lipids and magnesium, calcium, and iron. I was put on a 15-20 grams of fat/day restriction diet. I did this for the better part of a year. I added Manuka honey 15+ (1 teas/day) to my diet. I bought it online; it is cheaper than in stores. Drank 1 cup tonic water/day for the quinine. Used xylitol as a sugar substitute. It kills biofilm--you'll find it in mouth rinse products like Biotene (which I also used). It tastes like sugar and is not artificial. (skip if allergic to corn, though). You just can't have a large quantity or it will cause digestive disturbances. But if you drink coffee of tea, you can use it to sweeten it with no problems.
I took nattokinase or lumbrokinase(more expensive but works better), to thin my blood to better kill the bacteria. I had a mild herx reaction. Staying on the fat-restricted diet and above mentioned items, I started on the minocycline (it penetrates the lipid cell walls better than doxy, or tetra.). I worked up to 1, 2x /day except weekends. (No antibiotics over the weekend!) I also took probiotics every night to offset the antibiotics. Finally, I added Malarone 1x/day. (Again, no weekends!) This cleared the way for the supplements to work (NT Factor). I only got a small benefit prior to getting rid of the bacteria. There was a significant difference afterward. It was a tough diet to follow but well worth it. Note, once the bacteria was eliminated I added healthy fats back into my diet. These are important for our brains, hearts, etc. They were only removed temporarily.
Disclaimer: This is the overview of what my doctor had me do. I am not a doctor, just sharing my experience.