Accept it folk, this garbage is DESIGNED to fail, to be a "cock block"
Doesn't matter a damn if some of the folk involved are great/on our side, because the bureacrats etc who set this up design it to FAIL!
We will get no help from this garbage unless you have epidemics, sucide on TV, massive scandals or other idotic hype, news worthy trash, OR, some way for someone to make huge amounts of cash that won't threaten the government/corporations, blech
This is classic political neutering of a problem, put THEIR people in place OR ensure the ones who could achieve something are damn well "
prevented from upseting the apple cart":
ensure maximum fear, confusion, doubt, uncertainty and complete pointless waste that some assholes can then use to:
Prove they care (TM!) Yes, pat the cripple on the head and look good on TV!
in otherwords, all political "feel good" with no substance
b) Make money for someone somehow, or at the very least, prevent a major party campaign contributor form
losing money!
Britian's got great track record of such crap, making damn sure it takes so long for victims ot get to the truth, they die before they can claim compensation...even though that usually costs the government a hell of a lot more money in the long term, the assholes do not care for anything other than short term and preventing any scandal emerging even if they had nothing to do with it.
So they set up carefully weighted "committees" ful of bland gutless bureacrats and folk they cna influence and lo and behold! The Committee says: "
UH UH! NO HELP FOR U!" and they shuffle off to enjoy their now secured pensions.
So, do NOT look to such government-backed "circle jerks" for any help, people, they do not want you to GET any help.
5000 ME victims publicly peeing on the CDC's steps in contempt would have vastly more useful effect

(See "ACT UP" for hard proof of this)
Nothing will change with this illness unless it comes or is spurred from outside the government/pharma corp "wall of silence".
The government only gives a damn if you hold a gun to it's head!
Not suggesting a literal gun!

force majeure of the 21st century realities
Things the politicians cannot ignore or control or spin, like huge public outrage when some incident goes viral on Youtube, caught taking bribes from pharma/insurance corps etc
you have to go for their throat and KEEP attacking the bastards, there is no compromise, or they will take your control of your movement, neuter it and let you die off, unheard, unable to bother them. happened many times in many ways over the past cnetury with many movements.
sorry for the cynicism, but it's the way the Real World (tm) works, folks