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nothing but adrenaline at night


Senior Member
During the day i am so exhausted but try not to sleep so i dont screw up my schedule even more, but at night when i try to sleep i just have constant adrenaline dumps so theres no chance of me sleeping. This doesnt relent until at least 4-5 am.

I am pretty much regularly in a state of sleep deprivation and all i want to do is sleep but my body just wont let it happen. I go to bed so, so tired, then deal with adrenaline all night and by the time i get out of bed the next morning (or afternoon) i am so wiped out and exhausted from the night. Completely the opposite of whats supposed to happen.

And fyi i do regular saliva cortisol tests and my cortisol rhythm isnt great but isnt terrible either. i had the same rythym with adrenal fatigue and i slept much better than this with much less adrenaline. Has anyone ever found a solution to this?

A zombie

Senior Member
you need to have a cortisol test done (4 point saliva) it sounds like you are VERY high cortisol at night. I'm high at night and what has helped me is something called seriphos. For me i take it 2 hours before bed with melotonin etc and it does help.
But the only problem with blindly doing this... high and low cortisol can have the same symptoms. this is why you really need a cortisol test to know fro sure how to treat.


Senior Member
I do cortisol tests regularly, i rise a little at night but not a ton. Ive had a cortisol curve like this for several years and still slept ok prior to getting M.E. Now my adrenaline levels are through the roof.

And i took Seriphos for this exact reason to see if it would help. I took only 1 pill and that night i got encephalitis, and that encephalitis triggered my M.E.
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Senior Member
Ventura, CA
It could be some kind of autonomic dysfunction, and something changing your circadiac rythym.. interestingly enough I get the same exact thing.. tired and worn down all day with interminnent periods of deep peace and relax, some good nights sleep, and then others I get huge adrenaline hits that only happen while trying to fall asleep and it keeps me up for hours.. Sometimes I have hallucinations during the day at times that are audio and visual, and at night when going to sleep as well... Apparently this can be pretty common with certain kinds of lyme, and parasites.. I had a sleep study done myself and the only thing they found was restless leg syndrome.

Have you ever followed through with the lyme stuff? Seeing as our symptoms have been pretty similar and brain hypo perfusion is MUCH more common in lyme you may want to look into it...

I found a new protocol, and person that is proving to be the most benificial thing yet..

here is a link to his site.


Senior Member
Thanks Martial,

I didnt have the money last time to get the IgeniX test done but i do now and am going to order it next week.

As much ad i dont want to im considering just sleeping during the day and staying awake all night since im up all night anyway. At least that mught be a tactic to get me some sleep.

Did u ever have a SPECT?


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I wouldn't do quite that though, there are various things you can use to help put the body to sleep and into a normal cycle again, but having off hours like that will not work in your favor... You can even start simple with light therapy at night and morning.. alongside healthy sleep hygiene.. Melatonin in 1mg to 3mg doses can also help.. There was another supplement I can't recall name of that also helps..

Basically you don't want to see any blue lights at night, whether its a TV, Computer, or cell phone, as these will trick your body into thinking it is daytime.. There are apps you can get to turn the glow to yellow, and then keep the house lights dim...

in the morning you want to get outside in the sun as soon as you can so your body knows it is daytime...

Here is a good article related..


One more thing to mention and I completely forgot but issues of extreme hyper arousol and excess cortisol at night is very common with babesia co infection of lyme... When I was herxing very bad I would wake up every hour or sometimes more with feelings of rage, or feeling like I was being attacked.. all kinds of weird stuff.. Lots of sweating and chills as well.. Many other people mention similar things with this as well..

I had multiple MRI's and CT done of my head but dont recall all the names of them.

hypo perfusion is a definite issue with me too though..


Senior Member
Another major problem i have is that im still in protracted benzo withdrawal- thats where all my sleep problems started. i was given ativan 2 years ago to counter thyroid medication and since i came off it i have never been able to sleep since. Constantly revved up and crazy tinnitus.

I do the blue light therapy and have for a while, hasnt helped.

I also have all the crazy mood swings you describe though. When im up all night with intense adrenaline dumps i get all sorts of anger, frustration and irritability. Then once i get up it probably takes half a day for that to calm down. i just constantly have such a short fuse because im in a permenant state of sleep deprivation and am running on adrenaline.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I have periods of time when I go through this too. It is definitely high cortisol because I had mine tested and it was twice as high as it should be at 10pm.
The problem was that my cortisol was too low during the day but they gave me seriphos anyway to take at night and it lowered my cortisol so much I thought I was going to die. It was a terrible experience and I only took it a couple times.

It usually happens to me during high periods of stress much worse and then I will lay awake until 2 or 3 before dozing off and on. Then of course the next day you feel horrible like you have been run over by a truck.

Just be very careful if you decide to take something to lower it because it seriously was not good for me. It felt like the life had been drained out of me....
I do cortisol tests regularly, i rise a little at night but not a ton. Ive had a cortisol curve like this for several years and still slept ok prior to getting M.E. Now my adrenaline levels are through the roof.

And i took Seriphos for this exact reason to see if it would help. I took only 1 pill and that night i got encephalitis, and that encephalitis triggered my M.E.
I have started taking Seriphos this week since lack of sleep from b12 shot didn't need, helped sleep but I missed it today And felt like I was gonna black out sick almost like withdrawal symptoms lethargic out of ithe. I have had a headache all week and a stiff neck getting worse. What symptims did you have of encephalitus? Thank you Melissa


Senior Member
I have started taking Seriphos this week since lack of sleep from b12 shot didn't need, helped sleep but I missed it today And felt like I was gonna black out sick almost like withdrawal symptoms lethargic out of ithe. I have had a headache all week and a stiff neck getting worse. What symptims did you have of encephalitus? Thank you Melissa
Man, im really sorry to hear you are having problems. My symptoms hit like a ton of bricks- dissociation, lethargy, loss of conciousness, impared vision, fever... im sure there were more but i dont exactly remember. If you are concerjed about anything i wouod get checked out, had i done so earlier it may have saved me a lot of anguish. I am thinking about you

M Paine

Senior Member
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi @Aerose91,

When im up all night with intense adrenaline dumps i get all sorts of anger, frustration and irritability. Then once i get up it probably takes half a day for that to calm down. i just constantly have such a short fuse because im in a permenant state of sleep deprivation and am running on adrenaline.

I can really relate to this, there's a special type of rage one feels in this situation, and it's very unpleasant. Not just for yourself, but for those around you if you're anything like me.

In the short term, I found that taking NSAID helped almost instantly. Taking 400mg of Ibuprofen (or another NSAID) with dinner, I found that it would let me sleep for 6 hours or so until it wore off. Taking it dinner food is a good idea, best to avoid ulcers or reflux etc.

In the longer term, I found that low dose amitriptyline (starting at 10mg and progressing up to 20mg) worked for me. amitriptyline is a tricyclic drug. They used to be used to treat depression before modern SSRI drugs became more prevalent. In low doses (lower than 50mg), it's not considered to be an anti-depressant, rather it's used as a sleep aid, and pain management drug.

I found this video interesting in regards to sleep (34:06 mentions sleep):

I wish you the best of luck.

A zombie

Senior Member
i;m the same btw, so forcing tired all day, many day si wake up and the first thing i think is how many more hours till a nap or bedtime. This week has been better.
But i do feel i'm filled with adrenaline at night as i too cant sleep. as of late i'm falling aslepe and waking shortly after, feeling like it's been along time. then i cant get back to sleep... this is after taking xanax.Last night when i woke i took 3 seriphos and fell asleep till my alarm , or till i heard my little kids footsteps, but i was bale to sleep back to sleep till my alarm, waking to an alarm hasn't happened in months for me ask 'm always awake. I'm happy i was sleeping today. I hope i'm on to better things. Some days th eAF is too tough bear :(
i started ashwaganda this week and stopped the adren-all. I feel soooooo much better.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I wanted to try Ashwaganda but because I take thyroid medication my doctor told me it would totally make the levothyroxine useless...so if anyone has hypothyroid be sure to check with the Doctor. There are many herbals that interact with prescription drugs.

Based on my own experience, I made it a point to exhaust myself during daylight hours and made it imperative that I performed some form of exercise that drained my body of excess metabolic energy to flood my body with "fatigue" chemical signals which in turn, initiates a neurological response from my brain to crave sleep. A cascade of events.

Additionally, I cut off all forms of blue light an hour before I slept. Blue light triggers a melatonin response in human brains (which in turns, makes it more difficult for you to fall asleep). It's a sleep inhibitor. Here's the reference : http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Another major problem i have is that im still in protracted benzo withdrawal- thats where all my sleep problems started. i was given ativan 2 years ago to counter thyroid medication and since i came off it i have never been able to sleep since. Constantly revved up and crazy tinnitus.

I do the blue light therapy and have for a while, hasnt helped.

I also have all the crazy mood swings you describe though. When im up all night with intense adrenaline dumps i get all sorts of anger, frustration and irritability. Then once i get up it probably takes half a day for that to calm down. i just constantly have such a short fuse because im in a permenant state of sleep deprivation and am running on adrenaline.

Have you tried niacin? It's helped me a lot with sleep at night - it stimulates GABA receptors. In addition to niacin I take melatonin, l-theanine, glycine - very helpful, 5-htp and Theanine Serene by Source Naturals. Yeah, a ton of stuff but it works. Also lots of magnesium.

Here's a very interesting article about using high-dose niacin for getting off of benzos:

I'm sure it's not a coincidence that your sleep problems started with getting off of Ativan.


Senior Member

Based on my own experience, I made it a point to exhaust myself during daylight hours and made it imperative that I performed some form of exercise that drained my body of excess metabolic energy to flood my body with "fatigue" chemical signals which in turn, initiates a neurological response from my brain to crave sleep. A cascade of events.

Additionally, I cut off all forms of blue light an hour before I slept. Blue light triggers a melatonin response in human brains (which in turns, makes it more difficult for you to fall asleep). It's a sleep inhibitor. Here's the reference : http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side

Thanks for your input but for those of us with ME thats the exact reason why we dont sleep and is rather dangerous. I don't have any blue light at night but the more energy i expend, the worse my sleep. If i stay supine all day and stand up as little as possible ill sleep ever so slightly better.


Senior Member
Based on my own experience, I made it a point to exhaust myself during daylight hours and made it imperative that I performed some form of exercise that drained my body of excess metabolic energy to flood my body with "fatigue" chemical signals which in turn, initiates a neurological response from my brain to crave sleep.
ME patients get a rather different cascade if we try to exercise that much. In my case, heart rate rises and takes hours or days to get back to normal. When I go to bed after such exertion, my "resting" heart rate is typically 95-105, and it's impossible to sleep.


Senior Member
Have you tried niacin? It's helped me a lot with sleep at night - it stimulates GABA receptors. In addition to niacin I take melatonin, l-theanine, glycine - very helpful, 5-htp and Theanine Serene by Source Naturals. Yeah, a ton of stuff but it works. Also lots of magnesium.

Here's a very interesting article about using high-dose niacin for getting off of benzos:

I'm sure it's not a coincidence that your sleep problems started with getting off of Ativan.

Yes, i take niacin, quite a bit actually. Probably 200 mg/day or more.