If its really early, you coukd trybanibiotic on your own. I bieve i saw study early antibiotic can be curative. First 6 months of onset.
See if you can get a report of the xray itsekf. For ra they look for erosive changes that are pretty distinct. But hell that takes la while to show up anyway
They do look a bit off to the side but first thing thatboccurred to me is almost looked like a neuromuscular thing rather than necessarily the pip joints messed up
(I had a toe pusged off to side from neural stuff never diagnosed)
For bloods, if its early , RA, they need to test for anti CCP antibody as well as RF
I was just friping to someone that my CRO is never elevated even with raging fevers. Hopefully you also had a SED rate and i woukd thinknimmunoglobulibs to test IgG levels abd see if high as well as an ANA. Hopefully a new doc can get the ones you havent had.
Check out assorted mimics too- reactive arthritis, parvo, hep C, akkyati sponsylitis, paoriatic arthritis, joint manufestations of inflammatory bowel disease. , There are over 100 kinds of arthritis
Look to see if joibts swollen red and hot as well s painful
Johns hopkibs has an earky RA clinic- its worth reading the wensite on it because they have alot of indo even for those not
The dusky color of fingers just shadow?