(Not important) Most popular ME/CFS awareness videos I posted during May

Tom Kindlon

Senior Member
During May, I posted at least one awareness video a day to four of my social media channels:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TomKindlon
Google+: https://plus.google.com/112057171348448972761
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tomkindlon/
Tumblr: http://myalgicencephalomyelitiscfstom.tumblr.com/

Here are the top six most popular (there was a tie for 5th place) as judged by likes, shares (and similar):

1. "Documentary Interview with 2 girls with ME/CFS (chronic fatigue
syndrome) by Dr Franky Dolan" (9 minutes 40 seconds)

5. (joint) "The Realities of ME/CFS" by fogggygyrl (3 minutes 48 seconds) [URL='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb-mkFxRpGM[/QUOTE']https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb-mkFxRpGM[/URL]

I also posted around 128 awareness images to my Twitter and Facebook accounts (fewer to my Tumblr and Google+) during May and collated the top 16*. I can't post them as plain text but have posted them to my Facebook and Twitter accounts over the last 10 days.
Tom (Kindlon)
*It was supposed to be a top 15 but there was a clerical error