Thanks for the link. That person had Lyme. That's yet another connection to Lyme, I think.
However, it does seem like everyone with Lyme as neurological issues, which I don't have.
My eye tiredness would match up more with mold... I think.
This week I'm getting a h pylori pannel and kidney urine analysis done. Next week I'll do lyme / autoimmune panel.
Lyme Symptoms can vary uniquely from patient to patient...
So do not dismiss Lyme just because you do not have ALL the symptoms
(Lyme bacterial species have been found in MS/Alzheimer's/Parkinsons/ALS or Lou Gehrig’s/ diseases known as Borrelia burgdorferi the Lyme Disease spirochete)......
This thread link
Borrelia burgdorferi
is very educating/alarming on these findings
Watch the "Under Our Skin"Documentary on the OP..,
It will definitely change the way you think about your sickness and "probable" incompetence of main stream medicine, for sure.......
Main stream medicine is incompetent when the symptoms are rare/expensive/ or Insurance company dictated,So the Doctor will order very inexpensive COMMON blood tests/test/procedures that only uncover common sickness,........This goes for most main stream "specialists" as well..
Therefore they quickly dismiss you as having a mental illness as the cause or just think you're just a worry wart or a nut job who can make yourself visibly ill just by thinking that there is something very wrong with your health.
Mr. Tired of being sick..
I understand that you're concerned about your heart rate rising as high as 166 BPM with minimal exertion such as taking a shower but this is normal for YOU
Learn to control your anxiety,start exercising,and i'm SURE you will be just fine in a few weeks..
You are effin joking right?
Sigh, Then walk out of office with head down with no follow up examinations from said doctor.
Go home go to bed for a couple of days from "doctor induced depression"..
PCP/doctors can sleep good at night when they can dismiss the patient as a nothing we can do for you type of philosophy..
I'm not a doctor by any means but I'm well versed/educated/experienced on this issue and rare diseases..
like mine....
Sadly, only because you the patient are FORCED to be your own PCP/Doc. when it comes to getting REAL help when dealing with main stream medicine
Not by choice though!
Family doctors/Specialists quickly get rid of/dismiss complicated patients just for the FACT of complexity.(I'm on my fourth pcp in less than one year!)so I'm very experienced/educated to make this accusation....
Family doctors surely do not want to read 2 to 4 specialty examinations per month..
And they damn surely do not want to change medications or dose every couple of months..
And they are super sure that they do not want to keep ordering lab tests or send you to specialist or fill out timely Prior Authorizations just to PROVE to the insurance companies that you need the damn medication and the above said tests and procedures...
All of the above requires all doctors to do way above average work especially Prior Authorizations..
Doctors would rather give you the wrong medicine then fill out Prior Authorization forms..
Trust me I have experienced this many times...
In today's medicine, doctors are forced to work for insurance companies, not YOU or I or any patient who will drive costs up more than average, for that matter...
Hope I did not sadden you..
I wish you well on your journey to well being/recovery