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Not catching Covid/viruses properly


Senior Member
I am unvaccinated because I have severe M.E. and I had a very bad reaction to the flu jab a few years back. I could not lift my arms for a year. I just couldn’t bring myself to be vaccinated because that was so traumatic. Instead, I have been taking ivermectin, rinsing with iodine, using zinc lozenges, taking andrographis, selenium, and vitamin d.

A month ago someone with the Delta variant sneezed on me and I did not catch it.

Last week my partner caught the omicron strain. It was not tested as this strain but it matched the symptoms completely: muscle aches, lower back pain, scratchy throat. No coughing or sneezing. It was mild and he’s now over it. I stayed with him for five days before we realised he had it. He kissed me numerous times and we slept together. A couple of days ago I had some muscle aches and was sure I was getting it. I did feel a bit under the weather. Now the aches have gone and I’m testing negative on lateral flow (PCR booked).

Is not catching viruses properly part of ME? My reaction to viruses always seems strange. It just seems a little bizarre to me that Covid is so infectious and both times I haven’t caught it despite being unvaccinated? Perhaps I will go on to develop symptoms, in which case I’ll update this thread.

Just as a note, so far what I’ve personally witnessed is that people getting omicron seem far less unwell than those with delta. I’m talking about healthy people though, so not sure how that will impact us.


Senior Member
I am unvaccinated because I have severe M.E. and I had a very bad reaction to the flu jab a few years back. I could not lift my arms for a year. I just couldn’t bring myself to be vaccinated because that was so traumatic. Instead, I have been taking ivermectin, rinsing with iodine, using zinc lozenges, taking andrographis, selenium, and vitamin d.

A month ago someone with the Delta variant sneezed on me and I did not catch it.

Last week my partner caught the omicron strain. It was not tested as this strain but it matched the symptoms completely: muscle aches, lower back pain, scratchy throat. No coughing or sneezing. It was mild and he’s now over it. I stayed with him for five days before we realised he had it. He kissed me numerous times and we slept together. A couple of days ago I had some muscle aches and was sure I was getting it. I did feel a bit under the weather. Now the aches have gone and I’m testing negative on lateral flow (PCR booked).

Is not catching viruses properly part of ME? My reaction to viruses always seems strange. It just seems a little bizarre to me that Covid is so infectious and both times I haven’t caught it despite being unvaccinated? Perhaps I will go on to develop symptoms, in which case I’ll update this thread.

Just as a note, so far what I’ve personally witnessed is that people getting omicron seem far less unwell than those with delta. I’m talking about healthy people though, so not sure how that will impact us.
I m not vaccinated too,no way I could tolerate it,...,and I haven t been sick ,or had a cold for 6 years, (but living in isolation for 3 years )whereas before I had colds and horrible bronchitis 2 times a year.i guess my immune system is overactive mabey.also I m not allergic anymore to pollen.
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vision blue

Senior Member
Ok, so you're young and female. Covid morality (and severity) quite low in these groups and I haven;'t seen any data that CFSers as a group are at any higher risk (likely depending on you oxidative stress status https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3729674). This alone could explain the lack of catching a noticeable infection (though since you have CFS, your more likely to get Long COVID regardless of the severity of your infection, if you have/get one. then again, since you already have CFS, not clear if long COVID would be incremental).

Incidentally, I had the not being able to raise arm thing not after a flu vax but after IV contrast (gadalonimum) for an MRI. No one believed me (of course) becasue i was getting a brain MRI for (leg) muscle weakeness anyway. So when the MRI caused it to spread to my arms which had never before been affected (not to mention a bizarre marek it gave me ont he arm with the iv), I could not get help for it. so what else is new. It lasted a year. during that year, bloody hard to eat since was a challenge to get the fork up to my mouth, though was able to do so, mostly with the other arm (though that was affected too). At first i thought i was getting guillan barre , but it never reached my respitory muscles if it was that.


Senior Member
It’s really hard to say - you could just not have caught it at all BUT I have had ME for 10years and in that time I think I caught a cold once. There lots of reports of people with ME never getting colds or flus. My husband and kid bring home colds all the time and couple of times vomiting bugs and I never get sick with the them infact sometimes I feel better when they are sick and I think it’s because I do catch it but my immune systems kicks in on mega drive and bizarrely makes me feel a bit better. So weird.


You may not have caught it, or you may have caught it and only have had mild symptoms. Lateral Flow tests, as you probably know, have a high false-negative rate. PCR is better but still has a decent false-negative rate depending on proper sample collection and the day of infection. You could do a COVID antibody test in another couple of weeks if you want more info on if you have had COVID or not.

https://www.uptodate.com/contents/c...text=In an analysis of seven,at day 8, and 66
In an analysis of seven studies (including two unpublished reports) that evaluated RT-PCR performance by time since symptom onset or exposure, the estimated rates of false-negative results were 100 percent on the day of exposure, 38 percent on day 5 (estimated as the first day of symptoms), 20 percent at day 8, and 66 percent at day 21.


Senior Member
I think there are many of us who either don't let a virus take hold, or don't get symptoms from it. ME may mess up our immune systems, but that doesn't mean that it must make it worse; it could make it overactive and ready to pounce on any invaders.

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
I have also noticed that when I have severe chronic problems I do not get normal colds or viruses at all. When I've made great strides in my overall health recovery, I do get them. I've had super high antibodies for ebv but never had the symptoms of it. I've been wondering what my reaction to covid would be- I've had a lot of odd new symptoms this year, many in the mcas realm, which I could see being related to covid or exposure to it. And It's been getting really hard to avoid exposure lately...

I also can't take the vaccine. I had a reaction (with my legs) as a kid to the routine vaccinations although I think it just lasted a few days. And I react dramatically to all kinds of basic vitamins and minerals, histamine has become a big thing for me. So I really hope that being differently immune works out in our favor for covid.


Senior Member
I don't think it's wise to speculate on CFS/ME people being more immune to COVID-19. That's a dangerous thought and likely no validity to it.
A lot of us don't catch colds very often but that doesn't tell us a thing about whether or not we'll catch COVID-19.

Also, your guessing that your partner had omicron by the symptoms and that too is purely speculation.

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
Oh, I wasn't saying that immune system problems have me or others protected, just speaking about my personal experiences with other coronaviruses. I'm still super afraid of covid 19 especially because of long haul, considering that I already have a form of long haul from other causes and certainly don't want more of it!

I have been thinking about this a lot because I'm unvaccinated with health issues and living with people that are vaccinated and going everywhere and going to holiday parties this week. I'm doing as much as I can think of to keep myself safe, but it's definitely getting harder to isolate within a house. As it becomes harder to avoid, I've been trying to figure out what would happen if I was exposed.


Senior Member
Oh, I wasn't saying that immune system problems have me or others protected, just speaking about my personal experiences with other coronaviruses. I'm still super afraid of covid 19 especially because of long haul, considering that I already have a form of long haul from other causes and certainly don't want more of it!

I have been thinking about this a lot because I'm unvaccinated with health issues and living with people that are vaccinated and going everywhere and going to holiday parties this week. I'm doing as much as I can think of to keep myself safe, but it's definitely getting harder to isolate within a house. As it becomes harder to avoid, I've been trying to figure out what would happen if I was exposed.

I'm sorry to hear about your vaccinated house mates going out to holiday parties this week. With Omicron out there that and an unvaccinated person at home that's not cool. I'm not sure why people aren't getting the message that gathering is not a good idea (again) this holiday season. :(


Senior Member
I don't think it's wise to speculate on CFS/ME people being more immune to COVID-19. That's a dangerous thought and likely no validity to it.
A lot of us don't catch colds very often but that doesn't tell us a thing about whether or not we'll catch COVID-19.

Also, your guessing that your partner had omicron by the symptoms and that too is purely speculation.

I was stating my own experience and asking a question.

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
@Booble thank you :) ... I am back with family because of a health flare plus the impact of covid on my work opportunities and safety. My parents and grandma rely on the news, on tv, and don't know as much about what covid is because they don't read online. I'm saving up to get back on my own but hoping and praying to make it through the holidays unscathed!


Senior Member
I don't think it's wise to speculate on CFS/ME people being more immune to COVID-19. That's a dangerous thought and likely no validity to it.
A lot of us don't catch colds very often but that doesn't tell us a thing about whether or not we'll catch COVID-19.

Also, your guessing that your partner had omicron by the symptoms and that too is purely speculation.

My partner has now had two different experiences with covid, and Omicron is in our immediate area and in his place of work. He had the Delta a few months back. The symptoms are different this time. Perhaps it’s the Delta strain twice. Either way, I was just wondering if there was any particular reason I wasn’t catching it despite such proximity.