I have heard many stories from patient treated by him. I think most Europeans, are entitled to free blood work. He charges around a few thousand euros for that. Some of the tests goes to labs he have deals with. Some of these labs offer highly unverified tests, including lyme tests.
He has said that 80% of PWME has lyme. He has said this several times according to patients (and now also in a radio interview I think). He has mean this for a long time. This is an invalid argument before he publishes some proof. He has had plenty of time to do it. (Found on thread on PR on this):
I just went to an LLMD for the first time, want to get the more sophisticated Lyme and other pathogen testing. He told me that they are finding 80% of people with CFS are testing positive for Lyme using labs like IgeneX.
I am very worried because I think in a corner of my mind that these LLMDs, who don't take insurance and are very expensive, are pushing people to turn up Lyme positive to make $$$$ by using labs that might be good but seem to have such a low stringency for what is positive that almost everyone is positive.
I tested negative twice using the CDC two-tiered test from Quest, but it's very difficult to know by symptoms because the symptoms between CFS and Lyme are the same.
Has anyone done the IgeneX test and turned up negative?
Standard treatment protocol can be a cocktail to clean out lyme /and or co-infections, armour thyroid, long term use Azithromycin 500mg, and GcMAF 50 nanogram S.C/week, 4ME 2cc ++
In addition to a lot of more or less suspicious things like: Samento, Banderol, Cumanda, Smilax, Artemisinin which are being made by an Ecuadorian company:
I don't know if he gives this out to every patient, but I have been speaking to a few who have all been prescribed the above for use. Many are extremely expense, and the common and probably most serious factor here is that he seems to treat patients that they all have lyme (according to his statement). I have spoken to 3 patients who all said they deteriorated significantly after starting treatment by dr. Meirleir. I don't know the specifics though, but many of the drugs he uses isn't indicated for what he is using them for.
I'am sure many on this forum here have more information regarding this. I don't rule out that he has helped quite a few patients, but the mix of a wide range of unverified tests which costs a lot, his 80% of patients have lyme statement, and the fact that he has "deals" which many of the labs he uses.
According to the cost estimates I've heard that the expense for the full package can easily pass the price of a consultation with an oncologist who "specialises" himself in chronic fatigue/lyme disease/and ME + a year worth of treatment of Rituximab including infusions - in other words >€10,000.
Perhaps I am somewhat biased, and I may have misunderstood something. If I have I would appreciate if anyone could update or correct me. I do think that off-label use of medicines should be used, but I feel he has a relaxed relationship to evidence-based medicine. He has seen thousands of patients with ME. I wonder why he hasn't published studies on his treatment, and the effect of that.