it is a secondary mechanism by depleting auto antibodies is the principle behind autoimmune mostly.calms down what is overactive. that is something they will be trying to find out markers wise.
if in phase 3 trials that percentage of success is the same as phase 2 its pretty huge because phase 3 is where results fall down.
Even in autoimmune diseases not everyone responds to the same drugs it would be a massive proof of principle and proof of disease if phase 3 cracks it.
I thought Dr Kolgelnik was doing studies on ritux in usa along with virus modulators and something else is that thru OMI-Merit.?
I would be concerned if people are just going and getting ritux and its not in a controlled study?
If this does pan out another immunosepressant might work for people that didn't respond to ritux but studies need to be done properly?
I don't really know whats going on with the Dr Kolgelnik stuff.
I don't think that all autoimmune things are prescribed prednisone it depends.
It was heartening to see someone write more has come to light sooo looking forward to hearing about that.