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Non-drug treatments for viruses: virus sponge and hemopurofier


Senior Member
A couple of new inventions look promising for removal of viruses (and retroviruses?) without using drugs.

One is a 'virus sponge' : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/05/070513083222.htm

Another is the blood filter, sort of like a dialysis machine, that uses antibodies to filter out viruses:

Designed to work for HIV, Hep C and influenza, I wonder if it could be tweaked to remove retroviruses. Even if no, it might help us to remove EBV, mycoplasma, etc.


iherb code TAK122
Looks like really interesting stuff, the studies were in 2007/2008 so wonder what's happened since then, has anyone heard of people receiving treatment or is it a question of no big pharma money so no more development?


Senior Member
Looks like really interesting stuff, the studies were in 2007/2008 so wonder what's happened since then, has anyone heard of people receiving treatment or is it a question of no big pharma money so no more development?

Good question. I emailed the hemopurifier CEO and asked when we might see this offered to patients and he said it wasn't up to him, but he hoped it would be available this fall. But, they are concentrating on conventional viruses, so it doesn't tell us much about using it on us. I'd love to see some studies designed and executed for ME/CFS. It shouldn't take long to do them, if the money were there.


iherb code TAK122
Good question. I emailed the hemopurifier CEO and asked when we might see this offered to patients and he said it wasn't up to him, but he hoped it would be available this fall. But, they are concentrating on conventional viruses, so it doesn't tell us much about using it on us. I'd love to see some studies designed and executed for ME/CFS. It shouldn't take long to do them, if the money were there.

Oerganix you are so on the ball, it must be all that sun:) Unless some of the 'big docs' take it on board can't see it happening for us, how great would that be though, no drugs and all the rotten viruses zapped , pretty brilliant when you think about it.


Senior Member
Oerganix you are so on the ball, it must be all that sun:) Unless some of the 'big docs' take it on board can't see it happening for us, how great would that be though, no drugs and all the rotten viruses zapped , pretty brilliant when you think about it.

Naw, I saw the hemopurifier story earlier, someone else posted in here somewhere, and I emailed then. The other poster (Parvo?) emailed the info on it to Annette Whittemore and I didn't hear anymore about it, but maybe they'll get interested. Wouldn't that be great!! Maybe I should email this to Cheney...as he is doing stem cells and seems open to new stuff.

One problem that might or might not be: these virus filters apparently work from antibodies to the virus, to construct the filters to the right size and shape to catch the viruses. I'm not enough of a scientist to know if that's a problem in XMRV. But I sure like the idea of a non-drug solution...time wise as well as the question of side affects.


Senior Member
I would think that a hemo purifier might work in viruses that are blood-borne, but maybe not those that are imbedded in dna in tissue? But it would be nice to have a non-drug approach-as they all have side effects.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Thanks for posting oerganix - this is very cool - how awesome to have something so easy and non-toxic. It must work to some degree on retroviruses becuase it was being used for HIV. It said to keep him healthier, longer, so it is not a cure to rid the (retro)virus but it must help. Like you said, still could help with EBV, etc. So glad to see it was sent to WPI and Cheney would be great! I'm going to poke around and see if I can find anything else about it.


Senior Member
This looks really interesting. I'm not sure the pharmaceutical industry would be happy .. and they know how to "control" developments in their own advantage. Even if would not work for retrovirus I find already good if it could support the immune system killing the other viruses.
Thanks for posting this info oerganix.


Unless the pharma companies figure a way to get a cut, I'm sure there will need to be a lot of outside fund-raising to get devices and treatments like these for ME/CFS. It sounds like a great idea to treat any virus with. It's almost like getting your car washed or washing your clothes, you go in and get your blood and body cleaned of the yucky virus and you walk away fine with no side-effects. It almost sounds very futuristic yet from these articles it seems to be close.