No Time to Rest: Congressional Screen of Unrest in One Week - Jen Brea to Talk


Phoenix Rising Founder
(Hopefully I got this all right) Please provide a link for this quote.

Next week, the Time for Unrest Campaign/ SMCI /and #MEAction are hosting a viewing of Unrest on Sept 14th. There is no more powerful way to get our message across than with film. This is why Unrest was made - to make a difference. Jen Brea will be there to talk with Senators, Congressman and their staffers after the showings.

UNREST relays the story of a Harvard student’s journey with a largely unknown neuro-immune disease, ME/CFS,, that leaves 1 to 2.5 million Americans disabled, often for decades. You can access the film trailer here as well as rave reviews from Variety and Hollywood Reporter.

UNREST Virtual Reality event (VIP invite attached)
Sponsored by the Office of Senator Booker
Thurs, 9/14, 6-8 pm
Dirksen Building
Room SD-G11
Constitution Avenue and 1st Street NE

Use the SMCI's handy-dandy form to easily send a message to your Congresspeople and Senators.

Another screening on Sept 13th will feature Jen Brea

UNREST Screening (VIP invite attached)
Wed, 9/13, 7-9pm
Landmark Theatres E St Cinema
555 11th St, NW, Washington, DC
The film director, Jen Brea, will lead a post-film discussion. Please RSVP to to confirm your VIP tickets
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New England, USA
#MEAction is teaming up with the Time for Unrest campaign and Solve ME/CFS Initiative to bring two new exciting opportunities to educate people on Capitol Hill about ME next week. On Wednesday, September 13, there will be a screening of the the Sundance award winning film, Unrest, directed by and featuring Jennifer Brea. Then on Thursday, September 14, Senator Cory Booker’s office will host a virtual reality (VR) experience of this ground-breaking documentary film.

#MEAction has a letter to copy and send (and a link to look up your elected officials) that includes both dates as well as links to information about the film.

SMCI's link is only for one date. @Emily Taylor, can you add the second date to the letter that is sent from your site?
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Senior Member

May I respectfully ask you why you have decided to post here instead of your own forum. Isn't this rather disingenuous?

A lot of us don't have energy to check dozens of different platforms and social networks, and it's really nice to have everything in one place.

I don't understand how having good information about Jen Brea and Unrest served on a platter could possibly bother you..


Phoenix Rising Founder

May I respectfully ask you why you have decided to post here instead of your own forum. Isn't this rather disingenuous?
Not if your goal is get information out! PR is the place to be if you want to do that.(The HR forums unfortunately, are not :vomit::vomit::vomit:) PR is the busiest ME/CFS site there is.

(I have been posting things to both Forums actually....maybe I missed this one on HR). that I can post again - I will! That subject hadn't been posted and I thought it should be posted -= so I posted it.

It's all about getting the information out to as many people as possible isn't it? Whichever way that is done; whether's its through a Forum, Facebook site, Twitter whatever. We could be on the cusp of something here - we just need to keep working towards it and pushing it. Who knows what will happen...???

A key figure here or there and who knows???


Senior Member
Some additional information:
#MEAction is teaming up with the Time for Unrest campaign and Solve ME/CFS Initiative to bring two new exciting opportunities to educate people on Capitol Hill about ME next week. On Wednesday, September 13, there will be a screening of the the Sundance award winning film, Unrest, directed by and featuring Jennifer Brea. Then on Thursday, September 14, Senator Cory Booker’s office will host a virtual reality (VR) experience of this ground-breaking documentary film.

These are two unique educational opportunities to help congress understand what it is like for people with ME, but we need your help to make sure your member of congress (or staff member) attends.

The most effective thing you can do is send a direct message to your congressperson’s office following the instructions below. This is the best way to get your message seen and responded too. (Note: For those too unwell to follow the below instructions we recommend using SMCI’s automated, one-click solution.)

  1. Lookup your elected official’s contact information (you won’t see an email address, but they do provide the online contact form for your Congressperson/Senator’s office).
  2. Copy and paste this message into the office’s contact form.
NOTE: Because this is a purely educational event, sponsored by Senator Booker’s office, we are restricted from inserting lobby or advocacy messages into any invitations. When you ask your member of congress to attend please DO NOT include any other ME advocacy requests.