No clear dx from dysautonomia dr


Senior Member
people seem to continually forget that medicine first an foremost is an industry and like any industry it is there to make profits. if you look into the past of this industry you will realise that it has always had a large amount of snake oil salesmen who profit from selling hope. in more recent history the media has made it look quite saintly watch any medical program were the medical staff go above and beyond to help their patients compare that to your lived experience the disconnect is huge.


Senior Member
Tri state area
But it's a service industry where the customers don't come first, sadly.
I'd prefer not to post the name online, I don't know about legal issues, but ppl can pm me if they are considering a dysautonomia cardiologist in the tri state area .

@Shoshana , I'm sorry for what you've been thru. I want to post more but I'm not thinking coherently now. Overdid it today, not sleeping well and very stressed bec I hoped between the 2 most recent Dr visits and 25 tubes of blood, i would have some direction to go in, but I do not.
I'm so lost