NIR Light Boost ATP Production in Eyes


Senior Member

I thought some people here might be interested. For those of you experimenting with NIR light, for more than just eyes, this might be of interest:

"Interestingly, the researchers conducted the same experiment with a smaller cohort several months later but delivered the exposure in the early afternoon. No improvement at all was detected, suggesting circadian cycles play a significant role in the mitochondrial response to deep red light."

So, try your experiments at different times of day.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
My cats are always in the garden watching the sunset.
We could do worse in life than just emulating cats thru-out their day, which is mostly .... 1)Nap .... 2) Groom themselves .... 3) Nap .... 4) Eat ..... 5) Nap ..... 6) Amuse themselves ...... 7) Nap ..... 8) Check in for sunrises and sunsets ..... 9) Nap ...... 10) Snack ...... 11) Nap .....


Senior Member
Cats are quite obviously superior beings. Otters and other mustelids also seem to have lives of eat, play, nap, so they're superior too. Humans spend more time working, cleaning, filling out taxes and other tedious activities. If we were truly superior, we'd have some other creatures feeding us, grooming us, cleaning our litterboxes, etc.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
there is now some published research showing the success of using PBM to improve macular degeneration...
This is very interesting! My mother had to stop reading because of wet macular degeneration and now a sister of mine shows beginning signs of MD (I don't know whether wet or dry). I just found this. which I will pass on to her: Photobiomodulation shows the power of light (

I think we are supposed to watch sunrises and sunsets. Your eyes are exposed to IR and UVA in this time which probably leads to beneficial circadian based effects.
I think you're mostly right - actually from what I read there are no UVA rays at sunrise or sunset - that's why it's safer to look at the sun then. I have an app on my phone called UV Lens which shows the levels of UV rays at different times of day, depending on your location, and it's always at 0 very early and late in the day.
My cats are always in the garden watching the sunset.
Your cats are very smart! (is there any other kind? :rolleyes: )

So, try your experiments at different times of day.

@YippeeKi YOW !! - I've been experimenting with a red/NIR light panel with some good results for an injury of some type to my leg and also my shoulder. I'm hoping to get some other health benefits, but too soon to tell. But is very calming! I've been meaning to do a thread about this, and plan to do so soon - also, our Friends the Cats and Dogs appear to like it as well. Several reviews of pet owners reporting that their pets enjoy the light -


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I think you're mostly right - actually from what I read there are no UVA rays at sunrise or sunset - that's why it's safer to look at the sun then. I have an app on my phone called UV Lens which shows the levels of UV rays at different times of day, depending on your location, and it's always at 0 very early and late in the day.
You are right there is no UVA in early mornings but there is a couple hours after sunrise where UVA appears and I think it is meant to get into your eyes and do some beneficial things.
I also think if people had proper head posture, then your eyebrows would become natural sun blocks, your forehead I think should be perpendicular to the floor. When I hold my head like this my eyes are naturally blocked from direct sunlight a couple hours after the sun rises. Bit of a tangent but I think this makes sense evolutionarily.

Your cats are very smart! (is there any other kind?
Most cats.

One of my cats called Squeaky recently got stuck underneath the bathtub because shes terrified of the window cleaners (and the post man, and anybody unfamiliar for that matter). We had to take the side panels off the tub to get her out.