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NIH ME/CFS research


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
We haven’t thought of Lipkin as a metabolomics researcher, but he’s now engaged in no less than three metabolomics projects with Oliver Fiehn of the University of California Davis:

a Simmaron Research Foundation cerebrospinal fluid project with Dan Peterson, a blood metabolomics study, and with the new research center, the first ever exercise metabolomics study.

If metabolism is indeed a key problem in ME/CFS, we can expect the already striking metabolic findings in ME/CFS to get considerably more striking as exercise and standing tests put ME/CFS patients metabolism to the test.

A metabolomics exercise study sounds like a very promising thing! It seems to me that exercise does something that knocks the stuffing out of my mitochondria. At least that's how I'm interpreting it rate now.:)

So, I am very interested in this study! I would think it would show some big alterations in the metabolomics, maybe some very significant ones.



Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, WA
A metabolomics exercise study sounds like a very promising thing! It seems to me that exercise does something that knocks the stuffing out of my mitochondria. At least that's how I'm interpreting it rate now.:)

So, I am very interested in this study! I would think it would show some big alterations in the metabolomics, maybe some very significant ones.



Senior Member
East Coast USA

Lipkin’s goal is a simple one – to come up with treatments as soon as possible. During a telephone conversation, Lipkin abjured the idea of an “ME/CFS research center”; he’s not building a center to research ME/CFS, he said, he’s building a center to find solutions for ME/CFS – hence the name “Center for Solutions for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CfS for ME/CFS)”. He anticipated that a variety of treatments are going to be needed for different people.

@Cort, excellent write-up of Lipkin's goals. It's six months since it was written, has Lipkin given any indication of which treatments he's currently working on?