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ix..yes, he is doing 2 studies.
I would like to learn more about the problems of the BWG study, but I would like to hear what Judy Mikovits herself had to say about the study and what might have gone wrong. Can you point me to information from her? Did she say what could have gone wrong?
Furthermore, does Judy Mikovits share these reservations about the selection of patients/controls? If no, what reason do you have to doubt her judgement? If yes, why does she not speak out publicly and instead continues with this study wouldn't she only loose? You should ask her! This is all moot speculation and rumors otherwise.
Thank you for this bit of good news! I am relieved to hear that Mikovits and Ruscetti will be involved in this "Last word on XMRV" as it has been billed in the past. However, there are many concerns with the study design, and it would be great if there could be some more transparency on the details. From what we have heard, of the scientists involved, only Judy and Frank have an assay capable of detecting MRVs, and even they can only detect a small range.
They are also rumoured to be using contact controls, not a good idea if the virus is infective and has a long latent period. The patients are being supplied by physicians, based on subjective diagnosis - why not check their cytokine/chemokine profile, characteristic of activated microglia, against the profile discovered by Lombardi et al 2011 and Kadetoff 2001 (1&2) and cross-check by using the SPECT scan abnormalities known to be in ME/cfs patients? We know these ME profiles are different to those of Klimas, Bateman and Levine, whose patients have a profile characteristic of prolonged exposure to stress hormones or chronic herpes virus infection. If they don't get the cohort right, this "final word" will be on the wrong disease and the study will be rigged to fail.
Sorry to raise possible problems after a rare bit of good news, but after the debacle of the BWG one can't help but worry about these things. It is vital that no more money is wasted on poorly designed studies - heaven knows there's little enough of that about.
1. http://iv.iiarjournals.org/content/25/3/307.abstract
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22126705
This is good news that Lipkin will see to it that Mikovits can do this study. Either Judy Mikovits can replicate her own work in a new lab, or it will be a definitive confirmation that it was contamination all along there will be no maybe after this study. And no one can point their finger at others as the culprits.
(The pessimist in me waits for the day the results of the Mikovits/Lipkin study will be published and expects all kinds of elusions and subterfuges ala "Oh, the lab didn't follow my protocol.", "The phlebotomist handled the samples wrong." and "Lipkin choose the wrong patients." been there, done that, got the t-shirt)
Previous reports of the end of the world so far all turned out to be a tad bit exaggerated I won't hold my breath.
And furthermore, Lipkin only finds what is already there, he doesn't create these viruses. If some of these viruses are pathogens, they ARE ALREADY CAUSING DISEASE it's good if we find out the cause, won't you agree?
Finding novel pathogens for diseases which had no known cause = good
Stumbling on novel diseases without finding the pathogen = bad
This is good news that Lipkin will see to it that Mikovits can do this study. Either Judy Mikovits can replicate her own work in a new lab, or it will be a definitive confirmation that it was contamination all along there will be no maybe after this study.
Agree about the controls. I don't understand why they would actually do that.
I want to add.....The site I'm involved with for the Lipkin study is not supplying patients who have been diagnosed with me/cfs based only on subjective findings. The diagnosis has been made by a full work up of the best immune and infection labs, brain imaging with Spect and MRI, stress tests, as well as clinical presentation that meets the CCC. The assessment left no stone unturned, and the diagnosis was made by the best of the best. At least that's true of my site.
Can anyone tell me if the Levy/Peterson response to Lombardi et al has yet been published? So sorry I have forgotten. It is referred to here (I was doing some background reading following this latest announcement about Mikovits and Lipkin you see): http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110314/full/471282a.html...
Is this the paper you were thinking of, Firestormm? I *think* Dan Peterson supplied some of the blood samples.
Science. 2011 Jul 1;333(6038):94-7. Epub 2011 May 31.
No evidence of murine-like gammaretroviruses in CFS patients previously identified as XMRV-infected.
Knox K, Carrigan D, Simmons G, Teque F, Zhou Y, Hackett J Jr, Qiu X, Luk KC, Schochetman G, Knox A, Kogelnik AM, Levy JA.
Full text can be found here.
Finding novel pathogens for diseases which had no known cause = good
Stumbling on novel diseases without finding the pathogen = bad