IACFS/ME and the Canadian Definition
In my recent e-mail exchange with Dr. Friedberg, you might recall that he did say there is an effort underway to adapt the Canadian Definition for research:
It was agreed that setting up study criteria for the type of data that should be collected in a standardized way in CFS studies would be a good idea and not an impossibly time consuming task. For instance, there is an effort underway to provide standard assessments for the Canadian criteria--a worthwhile effort as these criteria may better capture CFS than other definitions.
I assumed that as president of the IACFS/ME he was talking about an effort within the IACFS/ME to do so.
It was also my impression from comments on the forum by Jennie Spotila ('IACFS/ME cohorts' thread) and in an email exchanges with Dr. Bateman, that Dr. Vernon, Scientific Director of the CAA, agrees strongly with the need for a better research criteria, most likely based largely upon the Canadian criteria. Jennie also alluded to something that was in the works. Dr. Vernon is on the Board of the IACFS/ME.
This is very good news.