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News from the German ME/CFS Research Foundation


Senior Member
We are funding a new ME/CFS research project on biomarkers and disease mechanisms at the Charité

Hamburg, December 15, 2023

As indicated in our 24-month review, we are pleased to announce today a new research project on ME/CFS biomarkers and disease mechanisms at the Charité.

In January 2024, a new project to research biomarkers and disease mechanisms of ME/CFS will start at the Institute for Medical Immunology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
The project entitled "Cell morphology, cell deformability and microclots in ME/CFS" is the doctoral project of Annick Fehrer, biochemist and member of the working group of Prof. Dr. Carmen Scheibenbogen.

The project is funded over three years by the ME/CFS Research Foundation and the Lost Voices Foundation, which cover 2/3 and 1/3 of the costs respectively. The project is the first joint project financing between the two foundations.

🔬This interdisciplinary project investigates changes in the shape and deformability of blood cells as well as the occurrence of microclots. The aim is to gain crucial insights that could contribute to the development of improved diagnostic methods and therapies for ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

🤝 In collaboration with renowned researchers such as Jochen Guck and Martin Kräter from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, this project represents a valuable contribution to ME/CFS research and could contribute to improved diagnosis and treatment of this complex disease.

ME/CFS Research Foundation <newsletter@mecfs-research.org>​

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Senior Member
The Germans are going to Figure This Out.
You may have a good point, me knowing the German stubbornness. As long as nobody pulls the financial carpet out under their feet.

Scheibenbogen is also looking for blood cell deformation.
Some of you may remember that I posted a hint in Sept 2021 regarding checking for RBCs for spherocytosis or sickle cell.
Let's wait and see.
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Senior Member
I'm skeptical about: ‘It’s all gone’: CAR-T therapy forces autoimmune diseases into remission

In my opinion, going blindly into CAR-T therapy is too dangerous. The question I had in the past 8 years that has not been answered so far is, "Is the thymus gland damaged"? I think Prof. Scheibenbogen is looking into RBCs deformation and may also check WBCs. White blood cells produced by the bone marrow are immature and are trained in the thymus gland. If the thymus is damaged so are the T and B cells.