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New Subreddit for CFS research and speculation


Senior Member
Hi guys, I'm creating this subreddit--/r/cfstheory, not at all to take away from /r/cfs, but to try and have a space specifically that leans toward the theory, speculation and research on CFS, so we can "put our heads together" on some of this stuff.

I hope to have a couple of pinned "megathreads" in which we discuss one or two of the nascent theories on cfs's etiology.
I can't do this on my own and would love some help with moderation, particularly from people who are really good with the science/speculation/research part of CFS.


I once started an economics subreddit and all the people on the finance subreddit snarked at me for splitting their potential audience. I was mad about that because my subreddit had a totally different focus.

Having said that.... Is it smart to split the cfs subreddit? I see plenty of theory threads.

Also, starting a subreddit from scratch is hard. Nobody will subscribe til its busy. It won't be busy til people subscribe. Puts you in a catch-22 where you need to post all the content yourself for the first 6 months at least.

if you're anything like me you're stubborn and don't take advice from people who tell you not to do things though. good luck!


Senior Member
I'm not sure i'll stick with it, but part of the idea is being able to have megathreads and some pinned theory/speculation threads instead of having a buncha different threads dealing with the same stuff. ya know?


Senior Member
I think there's more than enough research to cram it full of research and speculation at least...
there's not nearly enough research compared to other debilitating diseases, that much is true. But I think that the research in recent years has grown....