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New study to try to identify a genetic marker for hEDS


Moderation Resource Albuquerque


Of the 14 subtypes of the group of connective tissue disorders known collectively as the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS), only the hypermobile type does not yet have identified genetic markers. The HEDGE study began in 2019, dedicated to finding the genetic cause, or causes, of hypermobile EDS (hEDS).

Over 2019 and 2020, the HEDGE study will recruit, screen, and undertake genetic sequencing tests on 1000 individuals who have been diagnosed with hypermobile EDS by the most recent clinical criteria established in 2017. Enrollment is progressing steadily, with an average of 30 or more individuals per month joining the study. To date, 342 participants have been enrolled in the HEDGE study, and the planned target of 1000 participants will be reached in the summer of 2020.

Worldwide Screenings

To take part in the HEDGE study, apply now for one of the upcoming 2020 screenings:

London (UK)/ February 22-23, 2020

Ghent (Belgium) / February 29, 2020

Paris (France) / March 22, 2020

Israel / April 20, 2020

Houston (Texas) / May 23–24, 2020

Frankfurt (Germany) / June 5, 2020

Toronto (Canada) / June 27, 2020

Phoenix AZ (USA) / July 9–11, 2020
Participants will be invited to the screening events based on their information in the Global Registry. If you do not have hypermobile EDS (hEDS), but would like to take part in research, please help by joining the Global Registry for the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, hypermobility spectrum disorders, and related conditions.

The Ehlers-Danlos Society
1732 1st Ave. #20373
New York, NY 10128
