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New study from Broderick, Fletcher and Klimas: Biomarkers

New study from Broderick, Fletcher and Klimas:

From the Facebook page of CFIDS Association of America:

In a review article published June 22, 2012 in Brain, Behavior and Immunity, Drs. Nancy Klimas, Gordon Broderick and Mary Ann Fletcher review biomarkers studied in CFS/ME and other conditions that have fatigue as a major component, including M.S., rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. They propose in the conclusions that "persistent disorders such as CFS/ME and cancer-related fatigue likely correspond to alternative homeostatic states enabled by the body as an adaptive strategy." They suggest that "advances in multiplex laboratory tests and bioinformatics allow fatigue research to advance beyond individual biomarkers to modular patterns of co-expression."

Interesting table:


Senior Member
Hi, Camilla.

I haven't gotten a copy of the full paper yet, but judging from the table you posted, I think it will be possible to link all of the biomarkers they have studied to the vicious circle mechanism that is described by the Glutathione Depletion--Methylation Cycle Block hypothesis. This hypothesis is elaborated in the video and slides (slides available by clicking on the blue print below the video) at this site:


Best regards,
