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New STD? What You Should Know About Mycoplasma Genitalium


Senior Member
Why should researchers look for, or expect, a correlation between Mycoplasma genitalium and toxoplasmosis?


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I probably could have articulated a little better. I don't expect them to look for a correlation between Mycoplasma genitalium and toxoplasmosis. I do expect them to screen subjects (say a 1000 people with cfs) for conditions like these which are prevalent and a correlation is plausible. (like they did with xmri and ebsteen bar) Specifically to see if there is any correlation between any of them and CFS.

Groggy Doggy

I probably could have articulated a little better. I don't expect them to look for a correlation between Mycoplasma genitalium and toxoplasmosis. I do expect them to screen subjects (say a 1000 people with cfs) for conditions like these which are prevalent and a correlation is plausible. (like they did with xmri and ebsteen bar) Specifically to see if there is any correlation between any of them and CFS.



Looks like its already on the CDC's radar as an emerging issue. Yes, I agree. People with our symptoms should be sceened for all STD's as a first step to understand if this is the cause of our illness. I don't understand the hesitation either. I had to ask my PCP to test me for every STD I could think of.