Bob. You seem knowledgeable about these things. Could you please explain what the difference between anti-RT and anti-gag is. The Science paper image is labeled as anti-gag, the original gel seems to be labeled as anti-RT. This seems significant.
Well, I'll do my best, but I'm not an expert.
I believe that the two sets of Western Blots labelling say the same thing apart from the following two discrepancies:
1. Some of the negative lanes have been relabelled from patients (without 5-aza) to normal controls. But this could be just for convenience of presentation. As long as you do have the data, then a negative lane is exactly that, and it's not misleading to relabel a negative lane, as another negative lane. It's just a short cut for presentation.
2. The 5-aza was not mentioned in the original paper. However, someone has found some text on this from another source which says that only two patient samples were treated with 5-aza, and that the rest of the samples were not treated. So these samples might not affect the outcome of the study. We need to know the full information before we can make any conclusions.
As for the details of your questions, I can't be sure exactly, but this is what I've been able to work out...
The Western Blot image shows the expression of XMRV proteins in PBMCs from CFS patients and controls.
The Science paper says "Lysates of activated PBMCs from healthy donors were analyzed by Western blots using ... goat antiserum to MLV p30 Gag"
The slide says "goat anti-RLV" and "p30".
"p30" is a protein related to MLV Gag, so both sets of labelling are consistent there.
And I believe that "anti-RLV" and specifically "anti-RLV-p30" is the name of an antiserum to MLV (murine leukaemia virus.)
So both labels say they use goat anti-serum, and are looking at p30 Gag protein, and entirely agree with each other.
I might have some minor details wrong, but it all seems to fit into place correctly.
You specifically asked about "anti-gag", and this is just short-hand for an 'antiserum to MLV Gag'.
And you asked about "anti-RT". I haven't seen this anywhere on the images. If you could point out to me where this is, then I'll have a look.
"anti-RT" would probably be "anti-reverse transcriptase", but I haven't seen that anywhere associated with these images. Could you be mistaken on this point?