New problem: Vertigo


Senior Member
Neilk, look up Benign Paroxysmal Postional Vertigo. It can be caused by a virus, the eyeballs will also wobble- mine did that too.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thank you everyone for your great advice here.
I never paid attention to this problem before, but, now that I have it, I keep hearing from more and more people who suffer from this problem and it seems to come and go for many.
It's strange as to the cause of it. It might be an inner ear problem. A lack of vitamin B12. It might be a virus. It seems hard to know which one is the culprit. Someone also mentioned excess water retention?
I started with the sublingual B12 a week ago, so I'm hoping that will help. It definitely comes and goes. I thought I was getting better and now it's getting worse.
Definitely just keeping the face straight with no movements helps. In addition sleeping on more pillows also helps. When the doctor checked my eyes by asking me to follow a light, he said my eyes were wobbly but, the good news is that they were each equally wobbly. Not sure what that means.
Anyway, thanks to all:)

Hi Nielk,

In a lot of ways, the putative cause is often almost irrelevant as it becomes asbout the chronic condition that has gotton triggered. In research mb12 has been shown to be able to correct neurological problems that were caused by other original triggers. I hope the b12 you are using is one of the 5 star sublinguals, along with adb12, metafolin, omega3 oils, zinc, magesium and all the rest to give yourself the best chance of actually healing. Good luck.


Senior Member
I feel a little better. It seems like many people have this problem off and on. How was your husband diagnozed that it was an ear problem? Did he go for specialized testing?"

i hope that you are feeling much hubby doctor went by his symptoms becasue hes pretty healthy and hadnt had any problems like that before and looked in his ears and i think saw some fluid...the antivert helped him right away though they said since the antivert took care of it they diffenetly knew..

take care and agsain i hope you feel much better...the vertigo is very bad the nausea and dizziness...but im off balance so much and dizzy anyways from the fibro but vertigo makes even worse