I have been reading about desloratadine and pondering the manganese vs lyme issue that is swirling in my mind. Perhaps some of you have comments or thoughts.
I had started to get good results taking manganese to reduce the sulphur problems I get with my CBS snp (methylation protocol). THEN I got tick bites whilst out camping with my new-found energy and was tipped into a new spiral of pain and medical hell. The short course of doxycycline from my GP did not resolve it and 18 months on I am spending most of my days back in bed.
Lyme Borellia use manganese for their metabolism, instead of iron that most pathogens use - so I cut out manganese.
I also have GAD homozygous snps that further make manganese a problem (I'll try and put a link below). Hair analysis showed my manganese was a low as it could be. So I need manganese, but I have the double whammy of the lyme disease scavenging it all up and my GAD genes against me.
Desloratadine prevents Borellia from utilising manganese in vitro. I am thinking maybe I can start supplementing manganese again if I take Desloratadine to keep it from the Lyme Borellia - but will it prevent me from uptaking manganese too? I think that is what I am thinking - scrambled thinking is so bad with the Lyme disease! Hope I am making sense.
"The enzyme GAD helps to transform Glutamate into GABA with the assistance of Vitamin B6 and Manganese. If people have LYME disease and on top of that they have the GAD1 snps no wonder they feel terrible because the Lyme is stealing their Managnese...."