New influx of Post Covid Syndrome Patients Shocked at the lack of support from the Medical Profession


Senior Member
Hi Wolfcub....I hope you're taking especially good care of yourself during this time. Even the flu virus doesn't leave after 2 wks., it seems to stay in our bodies wearing us down for a couple of months' at least. I wish you well and certainly hope you'll feel (and will stay) fully recovered soon. Yours, Lenora.
Thank you @lenora for your kind thoughts and well-wishes. That is very true. Even a bad cold or flu can take weeks to fully recover from -even in healthy people.
So this completely new virus, for which no-one has innate immunity, could take some getting over completely.

There were some aspects to it which alerted me to how strange it is -that is I seemed better in not much more than 8 days in all, and certainly so very much better as soon as the fever broke. It was strange considering the last infection I caught has still not completely gone away after 2 years!
And that was....weird. I have never even had an average cold that behaved like that, even in my fit healthy strong days.
So I remain watchful and reserve judgment. Just grateful for every day I "don't feel too bad"... you know?

Is it "hiding" in some way? I have no idea. All I do know is I am not perfect. But no worse than I think I was before it. Just back to the same old imperfection of my affliction...
How much of it is due to much of it is the old much a good high fever might have helped me somehow....I can't tell yet.

What is natural recovery time for a nasty virus for which none of us, healthy or not, has any innate immunity? Like you say, it could be weeks, even a few months for full and complete recovery in the majority of Covid-19 survivors.....and that may be "normal".
And what is "post viral syndrome" which may or may not....lead to an ME/CFS situation in many people?
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Senior Member
Hello Wolfcub......I share your concern(s) about whether or not this virus will totally clear up in you. I didn't even realize you had it until I read the correspondence between you and Country Girl.

It must be very scary to go through something like COVID 19, and then turn around and find out it may be back again. As you say, it must be worrisome to think of it "hiding" in some way. Have you heard reports from other countries who also have repeats of this illness? I can't think of anything offhand, that's why I'm asking.

I'm just sorry that you've had to deal with it, and that good health will be yours within the next few mos., for sure. Nourish your body and your soul as much as possible. All we can do is take care of ourselves in the best possible way. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I have heard of people who can get relapses @lenora A friend of my Aunt's (who doesn't have ME/CFS) got went away....then came back 3 weeks later. But she is recovered fully now.

It's just that I don't trust it. In my own case, I have been worse, so all is not so bad as yet. We will see.

I really do thank you for your kind thoughts. Stay well, lenora. (well from the virus anyway!)


Senior Member
I have heard of people who can get relapses @lenora A friend of my Aunt's (who doesn't have ME/CFS) got went away....then came back 3 weeks later. But she is recovered fully now.

It's just that I don't trust it. In my own case, I have been worse, so all is not so bad as yet. We will see.

I really do thank you for your kind thoughts. Stay well, lenora. (well from the virus anyway!)

Thanks, Wolfcub, and you definitely stay well. In the end we have so little control over our destiny, don't we? Yours, Lenora
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as long as you manage to stay alive, there's hope
oh here we go again... so the conclusion is that medical science is actually stuck? is any disease that's not understood today going to be ignored and all its sufferers sent to mental clinics? Medical science has became a dogma, clearly