"new enhanced Perrin technique" in Dublin


Dubliners with ME to benefit from new enhanced Perrin technique

Co. Dublin, Ireland 05 Apr. 2010 Dubliners with ME can now be diagnosed and treated with an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, just launched at The Willows Clinic in Glasnevin, which has been granted an exclusive license to offer this treatment in Leinster.

ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), affects thousands of people, who battle daily with exhaustion, muscle pain, headaches, flu symptoms and depression, as well as poor memory, concentration and balance. They may look perfectly well, but feel so bad that even getting out of bed is a huge effort, yet often no-one can tell them what is wrong.

The Perrin Technique is a breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. It was developed by Raymond Perrin, a Manchester Osteopath, who discovered that many of the symptoms of ME/CFS could be alleviated by using a combination of spinal mobilisation, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy. Clinical trials were conducted at the Universities of Manchester and Salford, and Perrin was awarded a doctorate in 2005 for his work in this area. Hundreds of people have now been diagnosed and treated using the technique, there has been extensive UK and international press coverage, and the National Health Service in Britain is considering its use.

Dr Perrin believes that ME/CFS is a physical disorder that leads to a build up of toxins within the brain and the spine. The Perrin Technique diagnoses the disorder by identifying definite physical signs, and treats it by improving drainage of the poisonous toxins from the central nervous system.

Andrew Smith, therapist, The Willows Clinic, commented: We are really delighted that Dr Perrin has chosen to license the Willows Clinic to offer this valuable treatment to ME/CFS sufferers. Our clinic will be offering an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, providing an holistic approach with weekly appointments for the three main therapies, complemented by blood tests, a home self-massage programme, targeted supplements and optional colonic irrigation.

The Willows Clinic at 38 Oakwood Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, was established by Irene Scarff and Andrew Smith in 2008 to help clients to reach optimum health, by working with them on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. Therapist Andrew Smith has been trained and licensed to offer The Perrin Technique at The Willows Clinic.


Senior Member
Why am I immediately suspicious of anything that has ™ after it?

Yeah, I agree. Besides, we have at least two people on this board who lead the Irish ME/CFS group in Dublin and if this was as phenomenal as this article makes, it out to be, I'm pretty sure they would be spreading the news near and far.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
The technique, in a way, has the same intentions as Gupta program in that it will slow and calm down the ANS nervous system allowing complete allieviation of some symptoms and drastic reduction in others while you will see no impact at all on others. I did it by myself and I strongly believe it would be better when co-administered with a complimentary technique, which this looks like it is. Go to the Perrine Technique website and watch the dvd's. If anything you will get a good understanding of the lymphatic system whichs does play a vital role in this disease. I think he "trademarked" it for a reason that you might pick up when watching the video. At least I did I think because I can see where it might give him an opportunity down the road and I would have done the exact same thing. I believe having your lymphatic system and Autotomic Nervous system as calm and functional as possible will make a big difference in your chance for faster and more complete recovery when a possible cure shows up such as XMRV or the Spinal Tap \ Brain Proteins finishing playing out. I want to be ready because I'm tired and I've had it with this crap.:victory::D:Retro smile::eek::tongue:


windows exterminator
Many thanks for posting this Islandfin .
The Perrin Technique without the bells and whistles is a good treatment for M.E /CFS Fibro as well.
I was like fred and hope 123 before I started treatment 3 years ago, but I read the info , watched the movie, checked the internet and found out as much as possible before the first session.
It is much more affordable (35/session) than anything else and also does not question your beliefs or ask you to alter them eg LP or Gupta and small benefits can be seen/felt within 2/3 weeks.
I explained in an early post how to test yourself and have also posted info re self treatment and the "exercises" they give you.
You are recommended to try vegepa Tm check it on the web, anecdotally vegepa helps alzheimers by helping "regrow" ( not sure if that's the correct word) parts of the brain. In alzheimers this takes around a year, again anecdotally.
After reading various things on this forum I'm also taking Enhansa Tm , and Kyolic garlic for cholesterol also re Kevin lord.
Still recovering a small bit at a time.
Your lymphatic system includes the Liver,G.I Tract and the Spleen hence the Enhansa ,so all my lymphatic system is now being detoxed and being filled with anti -inflamatories.



Senior Member
Yeah, I agree. Besides, we have at least two people on this board who lead the Irish ME/CFS group in Dublin and if this was as phenomenal as this article makes, it out to be, I'm pretty sure they would be spreading the news near and far.
Thanks Hope123.
It's fairly new to Ireland. Many more people would have tried it in the UK where Raymond Perrin has been operating for up to 2 decades.


Senior Member
Thanks Hope123.
It's fairly new to Ireland. Many more people would have tried it in the UK where Raymond Perrin has been operating for up to 2 decades.

I have been going to the Perrin clinic for 2 years. The first 4 months caused the MOST TERRIBLE detox i have EVER had; that alone is proof it is working.

When i was going weekly it helped immensely however i can';t afford to go weekly now.

Dr perrins massage DEFNATELY helps ALL CFS patients however it is nut a cure; you STILL HAVE TO FIND THE ROOT of the toxins in the first place!
god bless


Dr W recommends this to clear the dead pathogens & toxins they produce etc from the lymph glands; I think it's a tool, not a cure


Senior Member
I saw a presentation at Autism One recently where a practitioner said that lymph drainage is the missing piece for these kids and that many kids on the spectrum have lymph like "butter," ie.. it's not moving out toxins like it should.
I think that autism and cfs are pretty similar. I can only tolerate a small amount of manual lymph drainage on my head and neck...so I kind of buy into the theory that it's gummed up.. and not moving toxins out.


Senior Member
Dr perrins massage DEFNATELY helps ALL CFS patients however it is nut a cure; you STILL HAVE TO FIND THE ROOT of the toxins in the first place!
god bless
That's a bold statement.

In the recent MEA survey, of 115 people, it helped 51.3% (or so the individuals said).


Senior Member
Wowzers more carpet bagging snake oil sales men. Short term benefits hum maybe. Long term benefits I just don't think so. As always opinions will vary.

liquid sky

Senior Member
Wowzers more carpet bagging snake oil sales men. Short term benefits hum maybe. Long term benefits I just don't think so. As always opinions will vary.

Been to a similar guy in Calfornia. He has lost his license to practice as a chiropracter now. He just hired a new chiro and gets pated royalties for inventing the "technique". He travels the country drumming up business.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I just find it pretty wierd that universities would do clinical trials for that kind of approaches. I mean ok, if it even helps a percentage of people that's much better than nothing, but we are waiting for decades for real research and answers and they waste their precious resources on things like that. It just doesn't make sense to me. To me it feels almost like making fun of us.


Senior Member
I just find it pretty wierd that universities would do clinical trials for that kind of approaches. I mean ok, if it even helps a percentage of people that's much better than nothing, but we are waiting for decades for real research and answers and they waste their precious resources on things like that. It just doesn't make sense to me. To me it feels almost like making fun of us.

That's because they are making fun of us. And as long as we keep being polite about the situation nothing will change. The general population will continue to exude it's patronizing attitude towards us. And we will go on and on this way like a dog chasing it's own tail around and around in circles getting nowhere. -