Dubliners with ME to benefit from new enhanced Perrin technique
Co. Dublin, Ireland 05 Apr. 2010 Dubliners with ME can now be diagnosed and treated with an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, just launched at The Willows Clinic in Glasnevin, which has been granted an exclusive license to offer this treatment in Leinster.
ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), affects thousands of people, who battle daily with exhaustion, muscle pain, headaches, flu symptoms and depression, as well as poor memory, concentration and balance. They may look perfectly well, but feel so bad that even getting out of bed is a huge effort, yet often no-one can tell them what is wrong.
The Perrin Technique is a breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. It was developed by Raymond Perrin, a Manchester Osteopath, who discovered that many of the symptoms of ME/CFS could be alleviated by using a combination of spinal mobilisation, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy. Clinical trials were conducted at the Universities of Manchester and Salford, and Perrin was awarded a doctorate in 2005 for his work in this area. Hundreds of people have now been diagnosed and treated using the technique, there has been extensive UK and international press coverage, and the National Health Service in Britain is considering its use.
Dr Perrin believes that ME/CFS is a physical disorder that leads to a build up of toxins within the brain and the spine. The Perrin Technique diagnoses the disorder by identifying definite physical signs, and treats it by improving drainage of the poisonous toxins from the central nervous system.
Andrew Smith, therapist, The Willows Clinic, commented: We are really delighted that Dr Perrin has chosen to license the Willows Clinic to offer this valuable treatment to ME/CFS sufferers. Our clinic will be offering an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, providing an holistic approach with weekly appointments for the three main therapies, complemented by blood tests, a home self-massage programme, targeted supplements and optional colonic irrigation.
The Willows Clinic at 38 Oakwood Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, was established by Irene Scarff and Andrew Smith in 2008 to help clients to reach optimum health, by working with them on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. Therapist Andrew Smith has been trained and licensed to offer The Perrin Technique at The Willows Clinic.
Co. Dublin, Ireland 05 Apr. 2010 Dubliners with ME can now be diagnosed and treated with an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, just launched at The Willows Clinic in Glasnevin, which has been granted an exclusive license to offer this treatment in Leinster.
ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), affects thousands of people, who battle daily with exhaustion, muscle pain, headaches, flu symptoms and depression, as well as poor memory, concentration and balance. They may look perfectly well, but feel so bad that even getting out of bed is a huge effort, yet often no-one can tell them what is wrong.
The Perrin Technique is a breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. It was developed by Raymond Perrin, a Manchester Osteopath, who discovered that many of the symptoms of ME/CFS could be alleviated by using a combination of spinal mobilisation, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy. Clinical trials were conducted at the Universities of Manchester and Salford, and Perrin was awarded a doctorate in 2005 for his work in this area. Hundreds of people have now been diagnosed and treated using the technique, there has been extensive UK and international press coverage, and the National Health Service in Britain is considering its use.
Dr Perrin believes that ME/CFS is a physical disorder that leads to a build up of toxins within the brain and the spine. The Perrin Technique diagnoses the disorder by identifying definite physical signs, and treats it by improving drainage of the poisonous toxins from the central nervous system.
Andrew Smith, therapist, The Willows Clinic, commented: We are really delighted that Dr Perrin has chosen to license the Willows Clinic to offer this valuable treatment to ME/CFS sufferers. Our clinic will be offering an enhanced version of The Perrin Technique, providing an holistic approach with weekly appointments for the three main therapies, complemented by blood tests, a home self-massage programme, targeted supplements and optional colonic irrigation.
The Willows Clinic at 38 Oakwood Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, was established by Irene Scarff and Andrew Smith in 2008 to help clients to reach optimum health, by working with them on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. Therapist Andrew Smith has been trained and licensed to offer The Perrin Technique at The Willows Clinic.