Sample characteristics
One subject attending the clinic was dropped from analysis
because missing data did not permit scoring of any factor
in the SAQC. Demographic and clinical characteristics
of the remaining 339 subjects in the sample are shown in
Table 1 along with the distribution of these characteristics
by fatigue group. Over half the fatigued subjects (145/
277, 52.3%) as well as one not fatigued subject had exclusionary
medical or psychiatric conditions identified during
the clinical evaluation. Medical exclusions identified
during the clinic visit included abnormal blood or urine
tests, abnormal Romberg test, adrenal insufficiency, bladder
tumor, BMI = 47, cerebral palsy, chronic hepatitis,
emphysema, heart disease within 2 years of evaluation,
hypertension, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease,
kidney cancer, lupus, melanoma, uncontrolled diabetes,
rheumatoid arthritis, self-reported sleep apnea and
narcolepsy, and major surgery within the past year. Psychiatric
disorders included anorexia or bulimia nervosa,
bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, and major
depressive disorder with melancholic features.